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Questions and Answers Help


Learn how to post code block on our website and use various features of the questions posting form

You can ask questions in and provide the detailed description of the problem you are getting while running your program.

Providing the details description of the problem help the other programmers to give precise answers to your question. Describe your question in detail and tell what is going wrong in the program. The thing that is running as per your expectation. Post the the error message your are getting in running your code and so on.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

You can provide brief description of the question in Title and detailed question explanation in the "Your Question". You are required to select a category while posting the question.

How to Post Code Block

You might want to post your code or part of code to get quick help. Our question posting form will allow you the post your code and then show it in question page with proper formatting.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

Steps to post a code block properly

Suppose you have to post following hello in the editor:

public class HelloWorld { 
  public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println("Hello, World");

Then copy the code in the editor and paste as shown below:

Step 2: You should put this code into code block. If you don't put it code block it won't be displayed correctly. To put the code in code block select the code part and then click on the "Code Sample <pre><code> Ctrl+K" icon  shown below:ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

The following screen shot shows it in detail:


See the well formatted code at: http://www.roseindia.net/answers/viewqa/Java-Beginners/11976-Java-Hello-World-code-example.html

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Before learning the detail description. Kindly learn the keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle formatting.

Keyboard Shortcut

    Ctrl+B for strong
    Ctrl+I for Italic
    Ctrl+L for Hyperlink
    Ctrl +. for Blockquote
    Ctrl+K for Code Sample
    Ctrl+G for Load image
    Ctrl+O for Numbered List
    Ctrl+U for Bulleted List
    Ctrl+H for Heading
    Crtl+R for Horizontal Rule
    Crtl+Z for Undo
    Ctrl+Y for Redo
    Shift+Enter for Auto-indent


Press Shift+Enter at the end of a list item to start a new one. It works with blockquotes and code blocks, too.

Detail Description of How to Use Text Editor

Here is the first screen shot in which you can see the text editor and the preview of posting code in the editor.ADS_TO_REPLACE_7


In this image, you can see how to put code in the text editor to function properly.

Now, we will tell you the detail description with images to lets you asses more deeply.

How to Bold the text?ADS_TO_REPLACE_8

Bolding the text is simple and easy. Just select the text or code and click on the B icon of the text editor. You can also do it with shortcut key.(See above)


You can also do it with HTML code.
Just select the text and put double asterisk (**) on left and right side of the text. ADS_TO_REPLACE_9

You will see the following results immediately in preview section.

How to make Italic?

Like bolding the text, you can also make the text italic by clicking the ‘I’ icon or using shortcut key (see above). It emphasises the text. Alternatively, you can also do it with by putting single asterisk (*) before and after the text.ADS_TO_REPLACE_10


You will see the following result in the preview.

How to make hyperlink?ADS_TO_REPLACE_11

To make hyperlink any image, or any website, user will have to first select the text or code and click on hyperlink icon or using shortcut key (see above).

The following window will appear.

Type the URL or location of the link.ADS_TO_REPLACE_12

Alternatively in HTML code you can type the URL within the brackets beside the text for which you want to make hyperlink.

After Enter, the following window will appear.

So click on this link, and post questions.

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Posted on: April 26, 2011

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