Description of BEA Weblogic Application Server
BEA WebLogic is a Server that allows you to quickly develop
and deploy reliable, secure, scalable and manageable applications. It manages
system-level details so you can concentrate on business logic and presentation.
It is an e-commerce transaction platform to implement advanced J2EE 1.3
Weblogic Training Summary
The Weblogic training course provides an overview of the
J2EE architecture, and introduces delegates to the development and
implementation of scalable distributed applications using Enterprise Javabeans (EJB),
Servlets, and Java Server Pages (JSP) within BEA?s WebLogic Server. This
course is aimed at those Programmers who need to
expose the Java as a server-side technology offering
available to build business applications.
Weblogic Training Course Prerequisites
Before learning this course, we are assuming that the candidate is familiar with the following areas:
Intermediate knowledge of Core Java programming.
Some familiarity with SQL, relational databases, and the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) interfaces will be helpful.
Knowledge of network management and protocols
Contact us at for your training requirements.
Posted on: March 27, 2008 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles
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