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JUnit Training

JUnit is an open source framework designed for the purpose of writing and running tests in the Java programming language. It's a regression-testing framework that developers can use to write unit tests to check that another code unit works as expected. JU

JUnit Training


JUnit is an open source framework designed for the purpose of writing and running tests in the Java programming language. It's a regression-testing framework that developers can use to write unit tests to check that another code unit works as expected. JUnit helps us to code and test any time when you make any changes in your code during the development. It ensures that modifications in the code will not break your system without your knowledge.

JUnit training course provides the theoretical background and extensive practical knowledge to build effective testing framework. You will learn how to set it up, write, aggregate and run tests in your Java projects. It makes you familiar with the test-driven development to write highly reliable Java code.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

Prerequisites: Candidate should have basic Java programming skills.

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Posted on: March 27, 2008 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles


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