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TensorFlow 2.0 Course - Get training in Tensorflow 2.0 online

We are premium machine learning and deep learning organization providing training in the latest deep learning Framework TensorFlow 2.0. The TensorFlow 2.0 course is most complete online training in machine learning technology.

TensorFlow 2.0 Course - Online TensorFlow 2.0 training course

Tensorflow 2.0 comes with the set of tools/API for numerical computations and machine learning that uses convolution networks and other convolution networks to develop model using real-world data. Deep learning models can be trained with real-world data to develop highly intelligent AI systems.

TensorFlow is a software library developed by Google for numerical computing and machine learning. It supports the development of deep neural networks, both unsupervised and supervised. It supports several standard computational learning models and you can choose the most appropriate method to fit your task.

The popularity of TensorFlow deep learning model is very high and used by top companies around the world. It is already used by some of the biggest players in the world, including Google, Facebook, and Amazon.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

TensorFlow 2.0 Course - Online TensorFlow 2.0 training course

We are giving online training for TensorFlow 2.0 machine learning framework which will help you in learning TensorFlow 2.0 with many examples. We have included many relevant projects to teach you TensorFlow 2.0 well to you.

If you want to start with the machine learning then its good time to start learning TensorFlow 2.0. You should have prior experience in Python programming and previous experience in developing software for businesses. Even if you are fresh graduate you can learn TensorFlow through our online training course and learn the skills enough to work on the industry projects.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

This TensorFlow 2.0 course is intended for engineering graduates and working professionals. The course aims to teach TensorFlow 2.0 for solving large-scale optimization problems and makes extensive use of TensorFlow 2.0 APIs. It introduces deep learning, artificial intelligence, linear regression, principal component analysis, and other concepts of TensorFlow 2.0. Students will be able to learn and TensorFlow 2.0 for developing their deep learning model.

In this training course we will teach you the basics of machine learning and its algorithms. You will be able to apply TensorFlow 2.0 APIs to develop neural networks which will be extremely helpful in understanding the API. This training course is designed to give beginners an opportunity to practice TensorFlow 2.0 concepts by applying them to real world data.

What is Tensorflow?

TensorFlow is a computational framework created to build large scale, fast, and scalable machine learning models and applications. TensorFlow applications can be used on develop and train machine learning models which can run on desktop, laptop, or mobile devices. You can develop and train machine learning model on high end machine and then deploy on many different types of devices and operating systems. TensorFlow 2.0 model can be deployed on desktop, servers, mobile devices, web browser and IoT Edge devices.ADS_TO_REPLACE_3

The library itself is open source, licensed under Apache 2.0. Tensorflow is developed by Google. If you would like to learn more about the inner workings of Tensorflow, here's a great tutorial on our website at TensorFlow 2.0 Tutorials.

The Tensorflow API was created to make it easy to program deep neural networks using Python and other programming languages. It has undergone a major overhaul in order to use more modern data structures and techniques. TensorFlow 2.0 is major upgrade as compared to its successor TensorFlow 1.x. In this training course we will teach you TensorFlow 2.0 from ground. You can use Google Colab or GCP for running these tutorials. You can also execute it on your desktop using TensorFlow 2.0 enabled python.

Achieving the fastest or most accurate Deep Learning model is at the heart of both the industrial and scientific worlds. As a result, many companies, researchers and professionals use machine learning as their foundation in their work. TensorFlow 2.0 is here to help organizations and search professionals in developing machine learning platforms. TensorFlow 2.0 comes with high level Keras library which can be used to develop machine learning model quickly. TensorFlow can also be used for developing machine learning model with low level API.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

Tensorflow complements our existing suite of deep learning APIs, including Python, Keras and Theano. Tensorflow supports many of the core concepts of our other models and provides a multi-dimensional model training and evaluation environment. New features of TensorFlow 2.0 allow the developers to quickly develop deep learning machine learning and AI models.

Topics covered in TensorFlow 2.0 training Course

We are covering following topics in our TensorFlow 2.0 training course:

Day 1: Introduction to Machine Learning

On   the day 1 we will introduce you with the machine learning and explain you the importance of TensorFlow 2.0 as a machine learning framework. You will learn how to setup your TensorFlow environment for machine learning development. We will also teach you to install TensorFlow 2.0 and test it with simple examples.ADS_TO_REPLACE_5

Day 2: Developing image classification model using Fashion MNIST dataset

On the day second we will teach you to make your first model for the classification of images using Fashion MNIST dataset. This is going to be a neural network for recognize images of clothing into categories. We will use the Fashion MNIST dataset for training, testing, evaluating and predicting our model.

Day 3: Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks ("CNNs")

After learning to develop machine learning model in TensorFlow 2.0 we will introduce you with the Convolutional Neural Networks ("CNNs"). Here we will use Convolutional Neural Networks ("CNNs") for developing efficient Fashion MNIST model.

Day 4: Saving loading and inference with model

Now we will learn to save our trained model on the disk for further use. We will also show you how to load previously trained model and use for prediction.ADS_TO_REPLACE_6

Day 5: Introduction to Transfer Learning

In this lesson we will learn about the Transfer Learning concept and see how we can use it with TensorFlow 2.0.

Day 6: Introduction to RNN with TensorFlow 2.0

In this section we will learn to develop NLP model with TensorFlow 2.0. We will provide you example codes for RNN model using TensorFlow 2.0 API.

Day 7: Introduction to the TensorFlow Lite

The TensorFlow Lite is advancement in the deployment of TensorFlow 2.0 models on the thin devices, mobile applications, web browsers and IoT Edge devices. In this section you will learn TensorFlow Lite with practical example code.ADS_TO_REPLACE_7

We are providing this training online through desktop sharing sessions. Our instructor will give you live sessions where you can interact and ask your questions and queries. This TensorFlow 2.0 training course is highly appreciated course which gives you enough practical knowledge to get started with your project.

For the month of December training fee is only Rs. 5,000 or $75. Contact us at 9313063554 (What's app) or email [email protected] to join this training course.

Contact us at [email protected] for your training requirements.

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Posted on: December 1, 2019 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles



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