Design Pattern

?Pattern? word suggests a series of events occurring in a definite order.

Design Pattern

Design Pattern


?Pattern? word suggests a series of events occurring in a definite order. Many a times, you get an easy way to tackle a recurring problem (which has been faced earlier, by people frequently). This solving technique gradually becomes a pattern to tackle that particular problem. In a broad spectrum, it can be said that a pattern describes a proven solution to a recurring problem. Pattern gives emphasis on the context and the forces causing the problem, and it invents the consequences and impacts of the solution to the problem (where context is the environment, surroundings, situation, or interrelated conditions within which the problem exists). This tutorial explains the design pattern in the following list of points.

  1. Introduction to design pattern
  2. Why Use Patterns?
  3. Relationship among Design patterns
  4. Categorizing Design Patterns
  5. Few of the familiar Design Patterns in Java

Design Pattern Examples

  1. Design Pattern Overview
    Patterns are solutions for the specific problem in a specific context. 
    a) Creational Patterns

I. Design Patterns in general spectrum

  1. Creational Design Pattern
    1. Factory Pattern
    2. Abstract Factory Pattern
    3. Builder Pattern
    4. Prototype Pattern
    5. Singleton Pattern
  2. Structural Design Pattern
    1. Adapter Pattern
    2. Bridge Pattern
    3. Composite Pattern
    4. Decorator Pattern
    5. Facade Pattern
    6. Flyweight Pattern
    7. Proxy Pattern
  3. Behavioral Patterns
    1. Chain of Resposibility Pattern
    2. Command Pattern
    3. Interpreter Pattern
    4. Iterator Pattern
    5. Mediator Pattern
    6. Momento Pattern
    7. Observer Pattern
    8. State Pattern
    9. Strategy Pattern
    10. Template Pattern
    11. Visitor Pattern

II. JEE-specific Design Patterns
  1. Presentation tier patterns 
  2. Business tier patterns
  3. Data Access tier patterns