New features of MongoDB 2.6

Here in this tutorial we are discussing about the new features of the MongoDB 2.6

New features of MongoDB 2.6

MongoDB 2.6 is released with many exciting features and Full text search

This release of the MongoDB is the biggest release ever with many new exciting features are added to the database stack. MongoDB 2.6 is released with many server enhancements, many new automation tools and the many enterprise features. This biggest release of the MongoDB 2.6 is packed with the performance enhancements.

The most important features of MongoDB 2.6 includes the aggregation enhancements, adding of text-search functionality, improvements made to the query-engine, addition of new write-operation protocol and the many security enhancements.

MongoDB 2.6 is the ideal solution for today's business needs where traditional database management systems are not capable of handling large amount of data. Here we are briefly discussing about the new features added to the MondoDB 2.6.

Here are the features of MongoDB 2.6:

Aggregation Enhancements

Now the aggregation pipeline can be returned as result sets of any size. It returns a cursor or write the output to a collection.

Text Search Integration

In this version of MongoDB text search is enabled by default. The aggregation pipeline $match stage and the $text operator is also enabled which is used to resolve the text-search queries. The updated version of text index is included and the old text command is deprecated.

Insert and Update Improvements

This version of MongoDB includes the improvements made to the inset and update operations. Now the system includes the additional operations and improvements which actually increase the overall consistency of modified data and the system in a whole.

New Write Operation Protocol

In this version of MongoDB a new write protocol is added which provides improved support for bulk operations.

New write commands for insert, update, and delete operations is added to the MongoDB 2.6 which provides the improved bulk insert operations.

MSI Package for MongoDB Available for Windows

Now MongoDB is available as MSI packages for Microsoft Windows.

Security Improvements

There are various security improvements made to the MongoDB 2.6 which provides the support for secure deployments through improved SSL support, x.509-based authentication.

Query Engine Improvements

There are many improvements made to the Query Engine.

Geospatial Enhancements

The Geospatial Enhancements is also available in this release of MongoDB. It provides the support for MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection.

Index Build Enhancements

Improvements are also made to the Index Build system and it allows for the background index build allowed on secondaries.

Enhanced Sharding and Replication Administration

Enhancements are also made to the Sharding and Replication system.

Other changes includes:

  • Configuration Options YAML File Format
  • Operational Changes such as Storage, Networking etc.
  • Tool Improvements
  • and many other enterprise features are added

If you want to learn more about the MongoDB Check the tutorial: MongoDB Tutorial - Learn how use the MongoDB and develop applications?