C String Substring

In this section, you will learn how to get the substring from a string in C. You can see in the given example, a string and a method substring() is created.

C String Substring

C String Substring


In this section, you will learn how to get the substring from a string in C. You can see in the given example, a string and a method substring() is created. Inside the method, we have declared the variables i and j to select the part of the string in order to get the substring. On calling the method substring(6,19,ch), you will get the substring from the specified string. Here 6 and 19 are the starting and ending index values of the string. 

Here is the code:





#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void substring(int i, int j, char *ch) {
  printf("The substring is: %.*s\n", j - i, &ch[i]);
void main() {
  char ch[] "Where there is will,there is a way.";
  substring(619, ch);

Output will be displayed as:


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