C file rename

This section illustrates you to rename a file in C. You can see in the given example that we want to replace the name of the text file MYFILE.txt with HELLO.txt.

C file rename

C file rename


This section illustrates you to rename a file in C. You can see in the given example that we want to replace the name of the text file MYFILE.txt with HELLO.txt. For this, we have used the library function rename() which renames the file MYFILE.txt to HELLO.txt. In case if the file some how, not be renamed, the function perror() prints the error message.

Here is the code:


#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int renameFile=0;
  if (renameFile!=0)
  perror("Error in renaming file.");
  return 0;

When you run the above example, the file MYFILE.txt is renamed to HELLO.txt. File MYFILE.txt should be placed where your RENAMEFI.C File is present.

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