Ask Hibernate Questions Online
Hibernate is a powerful, high performance open source Java package that allows the developers to express queries in its own portable SQL extension (HQL), as well as in native SQL, or with an object-oriented Criteria and Example API. It is a freely available persistent solution that does not hide the power of SQL in storing and retrieving the data.
Feel free to ask questions on Hibernate related problems. In the move of providing you better service, we have launched a new section ‘Ask Questions on Hibernate’. In this section, you can post any sort of query relating to Hibernate. Our efficient professions will solve all your queries within two days. Our valuable clients can also answer the queries, as this section is open for all.
Ask Hibernate related programming questions. You can ask about the error's you are facing in your program. If you want to learn new thing and don't know how to run the program you can ask any programming related questions on Hibernate ORM tool.
Hibernate is a professional object/relational persistence and query service that provide freedom to the programmers to focus on the object without fear of value storage and its retrieval. It is available at free of cost under LGPL open source license. The primary feature of Hibernate is mapping from Java classes to database tables and vice-versa. Hibernate also provides data query and retrieval facilities.