How to use foreach loop in velocity
This Example shows you how to use foreach loop in velocity template. The method used in this example are described below:-1:- Initialize velocity run
engine through method init().
2:- Create object of
VelocityContext Class.
3:- Create Template
class object, Template
class object is used for
controlling template methods and properties.
template.merge(context, writer): Merge method of the Template class
is used here for
merging the VelocityContext class object to produce
the output. Template class object is used for
controlling template methods and properties.
#set($list = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]): This is a statement named set it generally begins with # character. Here we have assign the list with character $.
#foreach($item in $list): This works like for loop in java but it has some enhanced functionality. In for loop you can initialize variable, condition check and then increment the variables but in foreach loop no need to initialize or increment. In for loop user must know the limit of the loop but with foreach loop no need to know that limit.
#set($list = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]) #foreach($item in $list) $item #end
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