Others Frameworks
Xcerion Internet OS
The initial Beta launch of XIOS/3 consists of the OS, a user desktop, applications.
XAP is an XML-based declarative framework for building, deploying and maintaining rich, interactive Ajax powered web applications.
Wt is a C++ Widget library, which uses AJAX to render changes to the widget tree
WebORB for .NET
WebORB for .NET is a platform for developing AJAX and Flash-based rich client application
WDDXAJAX wddxAjax is a ColdFusion custom tag to enable AJAX on *.cfm template
Aejaks is a windowing toolkit to develop Ajax-based applications in Tcl, it's combines the server-side Ajax windowing system Echo2 with the powerful simplicity of the Tcl langauge.
ActiveWidgets is a powerful javascript component library which makes web application development a lot easier and more productive.
4D Ajax Framework
4D Ajax Framework is a multi-layered, integrated Ajax framework that has been optimized to work in the 4D environment.
AIDA/Web is a web server and framework for complex web applications with integrated Ajax support, rich collection of web components to build web pages programatically.
AjaxCFC is a ColdFusion framework meant to speed up ajax application development and deployment by providing developers seamless integration between JavaScript and ColdFusion.
AjaxFace is an AJAX, JavaScript UI framework. It uses client-side rendering architecture.
AJAX Framework
The AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And XML) Framework is a cross browser framework.
Ajaxium ajax for asp.net
Ajaxium ajax for asp.net is the universal AJAX container for all ASP.NET pages and controls.
AJAX MAssive Storage System (AMASS)
The AJAX MAssive Storage System (AMASS) uses a hidden flash applet to allow JavaScript AJAX applications to store an arbitrary amount of sophisticated information on the client side.
Ajax Pages
Ajax Pages is a scripting template engine that enables rapid development of Ajax Web-based Applications.
AJAX WebShop
AJAX WebShop is a comprehensive both browser-side and server-side AJAX framework named AROA (AJAX Remote Object Access)with cross browser support.
AJFORM is a JavaScript toolkit which simply submits data from any given form in an HTML page, then sends the data to any specified JavaScript function.
AModules3 is the whole new concept to fully use potential of PHP5.
Backbase AJAX Client Edition
Backbase offers a comprehensive AJAX Development Framework for building Rich Internet Applications that create a superior end-user experience.
Bindows Ajax Framework
The leading object-oriented platform for developing AJAX enterprise applications.
Bindows SDK
The leading object-oriented platform for developing AJAX enterprise applications.
Bold text Rialto
Rialto is a cross browser javascript widgets library because it is technology agnostic it can be encapsulated in Java/JSP/JSF.
BZbyte LLC provides a powerful, completely web based, open source reporting software that enables users to design flexible, feature-rich reports all via a web browser.
CFAjax is the AJAX implementation for coldfusion. It makes coldfusion method calls on server directly from HTML page using JavaScript and return backs the result to the calling HTML page.
CGI Ajax
CGI::Ajax is a perl module to make it trivial to write AJAX scripts using Perl.
CherryPy is a pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.
Generates Javascript stub with arguments and Can callback to Javascript function or DOM object.
CPAINT (Cross-Platform Asynchronous INterface Toolkit) is a multi-language toolkit that helps web developers design and implement AJAX web applications with ease and flexibility.
CrossBrowserAjax is a free, tiny, fast, and truly cross browser.
This Ajax-enabled JavaScript control provides quick and efficient solution for building dynamic tabbed interface.
Divmod Nevow
Divmod Nevow is a web templating framework written in Python.
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
HTML Prototype
HTML::Prototype contains some code generators for Prototype, the famous JavaScript OO library and the script.aculous extensions
platform for developing interactive, dynamic and infinite graphical Ajax maps and diagrams.
Jigsaw is a lightweighted javascript framework for AJAX.
JSMX is an Ultra Lightweight - Language Agnostic - Ajax Framework. It is by far the easiest way to integrate Ajax into any Web Application.
JSRS routes calls directly from Javascript into your server-side language and back out again, known browsers: IE4+, NS4.x, NS6.x, Mozilla, Opera7 and Galeon.
JWChat is an advanced instant messenger (IM) just like AIM, MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger or ICQ.
Kumbia is a full-stack framework written in PHP for developing database-backed web applications.
MochiKit is a highly documented and well tested, suite of JavaScript libraries that will help you get shit done, fast.
mxAjax is easy Ajax implementation framework for coldfusion developers.
mxGraph is a thin client diagram library that provides full editing functionality.
AJAX JavaScript OOP implementation made for ease.
NanoAjax is a PHP (Version 5.x.x and above) based framework where new Version available in 22.
PHPRPC is a remote procedure calling (RPC) protocol and Server-side supports PHP, ASP, dotNET and Java.
Plex Toolkit
The Plex Toolkit is a collection of JavaScript libraries which handle the transformation of custom XML markup embedded in an HTML document into user interface components.
Porcupine is a Web application server that features an embedded object database.
Prototype Javascript Framework
Prototype is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications.
Pyjamas is a port of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) to Python.
Really Simple History
The Really Simple History (RSH) framework makes it easy for AJAX applications to incorporate bookmarking and back and button support.
Rialto is a cross browser javascript widgets library because it is technology agnostic it can be encapsulated in Java/JSP/JSF
An Opensource javascript library for creating rich internet applications, rico provides full ajax support, drag and drop.
SAJAX routes calls directly from Javascript into your server-side language and back out again.
Sarissa is a cross-browser ECMAScript library for client side XML manipulation, including loading XML from URLs or strings.
script.aculo.us provides you with easy-to-use, cross-browser user interface JavaScript libraries to make your web sites and web applications fly.
[Smalltalk]Seaside provides a layered set of abstractions over HTTP and HTML.
SmartClient from Isomorphic Software
SmartClient is the cross-platform AJAX GUI system chosen by top commercial software vendors, on-demand service providers, and enterprise IT developers for thousands of deployments since 2000.
Spry framework for Ajax
The Spry framework for Ajax is a JavaScript library for web designers that provides functionality that allows designers to build pages that provide a richer experience for their users.
SwfJax is a new approach to asynchronous JavaScript and XML applications. It uses a lightweight SWF (Adobe's Small Web Format) engine to get XML data from the server and xPath (XML Path Language) to address a part of data it has retrieved.
TIBCO General Interface
First released in 2001, this mature Ajax framework enables you to create Ajax components and applications that have the look and feel of desktop GUIs.
turbogears is a "mega-framework" combining many libraries and frameworks.