Ajax Resources

Blog with resources for AJAX, javaScript and rails

Ajax Resources

Ajax Resources


  1. Web 2.0 Technologies
    Blog with resources for AJAX, javaScript and rails
  2. AJAX Blog
    Daily AJAX content with sreenshots and commentary.
  3. Ajax Camp
    Ajax Camp is a community for learning, interacting, and asking questions about web-based development.
  4. Ajax Experience Video
    Three videos: Firefox 2 and Javascript with Mozilla Corp's Brendan Eich http://www.scribemedia.org/2007/02/15/firefox-javascript-eich/ The Once and Future Web with Microsoft's Chris Wilson http://www.scribemedia.org/2007/02/13/once-future-web/ Towards a Service Oriented Stack.
  5. AJAX Freaks
    This website exists to provide you with information to use while learning or developing AJAX.
  6. AJAX Geek
    All things ajax, css, dhtml, xml, javascript, and geekier
  7. AJAX Goals
    AJAX site with forums, code samples, news and articles
  8. AJAX Guru
    AJAX blog by Kishore
  9. Ajaxian
    One of the first blogs in ajax.Daily updates, insightful commentary.
  10. AJAX Impact
    Very nice AJAX Community with great references
  11. Ajax Lessons
    AjaxLessons.com is a resource for ajax tutorials as well as information surrounding Ajax and web 2.0.
  12. AJAX Line
    AJAX Community with a blog, forum and tutorials
  13. Ajax Lines
    A pretty extensive list of AJAX resources, tutorials, toolkits and websites. List of all useful and interested resources that may help for AJAX development.
  14. Ajax Linki
    Links - Ajax Contents, Books, Tutorials and everything about Ajax.
  15. Ajax Links
    AJAX links, code samples and news
  16. AJAX Magazine
    AJAX blog focusing on new AJAX developments.
  17. AJAX Matters
    AJAX Matters is an informational site about AJAX
  18. AJAX Patterns
    The publicly editable repository of all things Ajax.
  19. AJAX Queue Class
    This is a JavaScript class that makes using AJAX really, REALLY simple and robust.
  20. AJAX Review
    AJAX and web 2.0 dissected. The purpose of this site is simple.
  21. AJAX Talk
    Discuss the new web, PHP, XML, ...
  22. Ajax Technology Forums
    Asynchronous JavaScript And XML Ajax forums, discussions and tech issues
  23. Ajax Tutorial
    Many Ajax Tutorials in a blog style
  24. AJAX Webshop
    Ajax Webshop is guided by the concept of IDE and visualization.
  25. AJAX with
    Ajax resources, in a digg style, allows the user to register and addd his/her own links
  26. AJAX World
    [Google Group]AJAX discussion group with over a thousand members!
  27. Aspects of AJAX
    AJAX blog with loads of resources
  28. There and Back Again
    The weblog of Joshua Eichorn, AJAX, PHP and Open Source
  29. Coding In Paradise
    Excellent and thoughtful AJAX tutorials and techniques by Brad Neuberg
  30. Communication Portal
    A communication interface desinged with Web 2.0 technology.
  31. Cyber Dummy
    AJAX code samples and source code
  32. Free Ajax Scripts
    Free AJAX scripts directory. Most of them have demos so you can test before install.
  33. Jep's Rich User Interfaces blog
    About AJAX Performance and some other things by Jep Castelein of Backbase
  34. JSLT, alternative to XSLT
    JSLT is a browser based templating language like XSLT, but instead of using XML to encode the template logic, it uses normal Javascript with a few extensions.
  35. Logicalley
    AJAX blog by Chris van de Steeg author of LiveGrid
  36. Mozilla Developer Center
    Great site to get a first look at AJAX.
  37. Open-jACOB Draw2D
    Create drawings and diagrams with the free Javascript library.
  38. Panasonic Youth
    AJAX blog by Rob Sanheim with a focus on AJAX and Java
  39. Protolize
    Protolize is a place where we share most commonly used and helpful tools out.
  40. Rob Gonda
    Great AJAX Coldfusion content with commentary
  41. SimplytheBest Scripts
    SimplytheBest Scripts is a popular scripts directory where Ajax scripts and apps are prominently available in the JavaScripts, DHTML & Ajax directory.
  42. Software As She's Developed
    AJAX, java, patterns, usability by Michael Mahemoff
  43. Tony Yoo
    Essensial web tools in one place