Axis2 client - Axis2 Client example
Apache Axis2 Client code
In this section we will develop client code example to access the Hello World
Web service developed in the last section. In the last section we developed
and deployed the Hello World Web service. In this section we will write the
Web service client code and call the web service.
Setting up the environment
In our first section of downloading and installing Axis 2 engine, we instructed you to download the binary version of Apache Axis2. Now extract the binary version( using any zip tool. After extracting the file into E:\Axis2Tutorial (assuming your tutorial directory is E:\Axis2Tutorial), you will get a directory "E:\Axis2Tutorial\axis2-1.5.1-bin\axis2-1.5.1" which contains the binary version of the Apache Axis2 engine. Now set the following environment variables:
a) AXIS2_HOME=E:\Axis2Tutorial\axis2-1.5.1-bin\axis2-1.5.1
b) Add E:\Axis2Tutorial\axis2-1.5.1-bin\axis2-1.5.1\bin into path
c) Add E:\Axis2Tutorial\axis2-1.5.1-bin\axis2-1.5.1\lib\* into CLASS_PATH
After making the above changes the wsdl2java.bat is available for generating the client code calling Web service.
Generating the client code using wsdl2java.bat tool
Now create a new directory E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client and then open dos prompt and go to same directory. Now generate the client code using following command:
WSDL2Java.bat -uri http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/HelloWorldService?wsdl -o client
Here is the output of above command.
E:\>cd E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client
E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client>WSDL2Java.bat -uri http://localhost:
8080/axis2/services/HelloWorldService?wsdl -o client
Using AXIS2_HOME: E:\Axis2Tutorial\axis2-1.5.1-bin\axis2-1.5.1
Using JAVA_HOME: E:\JDK\jdk1.6.0_03
Retrieving document at 'http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/HelloWorldService?wsdl'.
The above command will generate a) and b) into E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client\client\src\net\roseindia directory.
Now run cd to client/src directory.
cd client/src
Developing the code to call the service
Create the file into E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client\client\src\net\roseindia directory. The code of file is as below:
package net.roseindia;
Compiling and testing the Web service
Now go to E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client\client\src directory and with the help of javac command compile the code.
E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client\client\src>javac net/roseindia/*.java
Note: net\roseindia\ uses unchecked or unsafe
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
To run the client type following command:
java net/roseindia/Test
Here is the output:
E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client\client\src>javac net/roseindia/*.java
Note: net\roseindia\ uses unchecked or unsafe
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
E:\Axis2Tutorial\Examples\HelloWorld\client\client\src>java net/roseindia/Test
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Response : Hello : Deepak Kumar
The client appliction makes a call to Web service and in response Web services returns the Hello : Deepak Kumar message
You have successfully tested your Web Service.