Description of Apache Tomcat Server
Tomcat is an open source web server developed by Apache Group. Apache Tomcat is the web container that is used for the deployment of Java based Web applications using Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process. Web Servers like Apache Tomcat support only web components. ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
Tomcate Training Objectives
Apache Tomcat is the most popular platform for deploying
Java-based Web applications. In this course, Java programmer will learn how to
setup, configure and administer the Tomcat server, how to deploy applications on
the server, and how to ensure the server's security.
Tomcate Training Course Prerequisites
Before learning this course, we are assuming that the candidate is familiar with the following areas:
Intermediate knowledge of Core Java programming.
Should be familiar with general principles of Web server administration and building Web applications using Servlet & JSP.
Some familiarity with SQL, relational databases, and the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) interfaces will be helpful.
A basic understanding of TCP/IP protocols
Contact us at for your training requirements.
Posted on: March 27, 2008 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles
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