Spring Security Framework


Spring Security Framework

This section contains various tutorials on Spring Security with easy examples It also contains downloadable code, which you can download and run directly.

This section contains various tutorials on Spring Security with easy examples It also contains downloadable code, which you can download and run directly.

Spring Security Framework

Spring Security is a extremely effective Java/J2ee framework which offers us authentication, authorization, access-control and other security characteristics. This project was initiated by Ben Alex and was coined as Acegi Security . It got Apache 2.0 License in Match 2004. Afterwards it was integrated into Spring.

In 2008, it was first released under Spring as Spring Security 2.0.0 . It is easy to understand, deploy and manageable. Now it is incorporated in various important applications such as central banks, government agencies, military applications.

You can download Latest Spring Security Release from here.

This section contains various tutorials on Spring Security with easy examples It also contains downloadable code, which you can download and run directly. The jar file needed in each example can be download from SpringSource Download Center.

The tools and technology used in this section are given below :

  • jdk1.6.0_18

  • apache-tomcat-6.0.29

  • Eclipse 3.5.1

  • Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE

  • Spring Security 3.0.5.RELEASE

Some of the key tutorial on Spring Security 3.0.5 are given below :

Some related topics to Spring Security is given below :
