PHP Basics, PHP Basics tutorials for beginners
PHP Basics tutorials for the beginners. Learn PHP Basics from start and master it in very less time. Almost all the topics necessary to master the PHP programming language is covered here.
PHP Basics tutorials for the beginners. Learn PHP Basics from start and master it in very less time. Almost all the topics necessary to master the PHP programming language is covered here.
PHP Basics - Basics Tutorials for the beginners
Introduction to PHP Programming Language
In this modern age of computer science, Internet plays a vital role in our day to day life. Many programming languages are used to develop the websites, PHP is one of them. The PHP Programming Language has so many advantages over other technology e.g. it is free, open source, easy to learn etc. In our PHP tutorial we have tried & continuously trying to provide the best and easiest way to teach PHP scripting language.
In our Online Free PHP tutorial we have covered the following topics:
- What is PHP: In this topic you will know What is PHP? History of PHP language, Usage, Different features of PHP, Data types supported by the PHP, required software to run PHP, other OOPs feature which are included in PHP 5.0
- Why PHP: In this topic we have covered the basic features of PHP, like: PHP is open source a little description about open source, PHP is cross platform, It is compatible with many web servers, It supports many data servers, PHP has useful text processing features etc.
- How to Download and Installing PHP: This PHP tutorial will help or guide you to download and install PHP step by step. It has all necessary figures which will help you to install PHP.
- Running & Testing WAMP server: With the help of this tutorial you can able to run your WAMP server and you can enable some new features of this server. It has also included a small PHP program.
- Hello World: Almost every book, tutorial presents Hello World as the first program. We are not exceptional. Try this nitty-gritty program and you can surely run it in seconds. It also includes explanation of the program, it describes the echo and print language construct.
- Introduction to PHP array: This tutorial gives you an overview of array, about key value pair, about map. It is also include a small program and description of the program.
Let's get started PHP Programming: