PHP Array Sub String Search: In this tutorial you will learn how to search a sub string in an array. PHP provides in_array() function to search a sub string.
PHP Array Sub String Search: In this tutorial you will learn how to search a sub string in an array. PHP provides in_array() function to search a sub string.PHP Array Search Sub-String
In PHP if we need to search a sub-string within an array then we can use in_array() function. The format of in_array is much similar to array_search() function.
General Desciption of in_array() function is as follows:
General Format | Boolean in_array ( mixed $search , array $array [, bool $strict ] ) | ||
Parameters | $search: The value to be searched | $array: The array in which the value to be searched | $strict: If the value is set to true then the types of $search and $array will be checked |
Return Value | Return the key for $search if it is found in $array, otherwise false |
PHP Search Array Substring Example 1:
echo"<br/><b>The value of \$array1 is:</b><br/>";
echo"<br/><b>The value to be search is \"$search\"</b><br/>";
echo "The string: \"".$search."\" Found";
echo"Not found";
The value of $array1 is: array(4) { [0]=> string(5) "India" [1]=> string(4) "Land" [2]=> string(2) "of" [3]=> string(9) "diversity" } The value to be search is "India" The string: "India" Found