What is RTLS or Real Time Location System?

RTLS or Real Time Location System is a positioning system that acquired new importance in the recent time for tracking moving objects or transportation or human traffic. confined premises as this technology cannot provide global positioning information with a wider satellite based coverage.

What is RTLS or Real Time Location System?

RTLS or Real Time Location System is a positioning system that acquired new importance in the recent time for tracking moving objects or transportation or human traffic. The technology has serious positive implications on several industrial, economic and scientific endeavors and is undergoing research for incorporating many other features. RTLS or Real Time Positioning System compared to other passive positioning systems and technologies like GPS or mobile phone tracking system is an active real time based solution that can use radio frequency, optical technology such as infrared or acoustic technology like ultrasound. RTLS is a widely used technology now that is put into use in telecommunication, navigation, transportation, security systems and healthcare.

How RTLS works?

RTLS or Real Time Positioning System works generally within confined premises as this technology cannot provide global positioning information with a wider satellite based coverage. RTLS tags are generally attached with mobile items within a premise to locate the object from control room. RTLS transmitters and receivers are generally spread in various strategic locations throughout a building to more accurately locate an object at any point of time. As for attaining more accuracy level higher number of transmitters and receivers are required to cover an area. As for signal there are mainly three types of technologies are used, radio frequency, infrared and ultrasound. Wireless local area network and Bluetooth are also used in some RTLS applications.

Uses of RTLS or Real Time Positioning System

RTLS or Real Time Positioning System is a widely recognized and widely cultivated technology for number of purposes within modern industrial, healthcare, retail as well as other business premises and this technology is also widely used in various security establishments to keep an eye over the possible security threats and unsolicited trafficking. Let us now have a look at some of the common applications of this technology in various sectors.

Inventory and asset tracking

In managing business inventory and trafficking of the same RTLS is a widely used technology. RTLS tags are generally attached with the inventory which is then tracked through the radio frequency signal by the RTLS receiver. In huge modern enterprise movement of inventory and safety is always a concern and RTLS in more than one ways addresses these issues most conveniently.

Tracking Fleet

Tracking a fleet or goods transport with the use of RTLS can be done to get to know number of information for the security watchers and safety experts. From vehicle location to navigation to security concerning the movement and speed, there are many aspects that can be tracked of a fleet through RTLS.

Use in Healthcare

Recently in big healthcare premises RTLS or Real Time Location System has become hugely popular as a technology to track the movement of medical equipments, personnel and unauthorized movements in a systematic and convenient manner to make real time communication possible over any situation or necessity to handle.

Personnel Tracking in Retail Marts or Security Premises

Tracking of personnel in robust retail marts is always a priority and with RTLS or Real Time Positioning System using various kinds of tags or signal transmitters and receivers that can be attached with the personnel, this necessity can be addressed most conveniently. Similarly in high security premises strategic personnel can always be tracked as for security reasons.