We are going to discuss the importance of using technology for the well being of students.
Balancing Technology Use for Students' Well-Being
Technology and human interaction are both necessary for learning. It is finding the right balance between them and maintaining healthy digital boundaries that can be challenging. Responsible technology usage in education is often particularly difficult if students are doing online courses. Constant access to a flood of information comes with some risks to the well-being of students. Here are some tips on how to balance technology usage for overall well-being.
Focus on the goal
Technology is a useful tool rather than an end in itself. In education, technology has a specific purpose and students need to focus on that purpose. It may be difficult when distractions abound. Educators need to reinforce the idea that learning goals and objectives are more important than devices or applications. Students studying online often find it difficult to focus on their learning goals as they have so many online distractions. It is so easy to quickly jump to social media platforms or start watching an online movie instead of focusing on writing a lab report.
Students who run successful experiments need to ensure their lab reports are compelling and insightful if they want to receive top grades. Whenever in need, they can find a lab report writer on lab report writer on EduBirdie website. There are many PhD writers on the site who can handle a report on chemistry, physics, etc. Students need to provide a writer with as much information as possible about the lab experiment. The writer can then produce a quality lab report that's plagiarism-free.
Active. Not passive learning
Educators need to look for opportunities for students to produce instead of just consuming content. They shouldn't just passively sit and watch a screen or sit through lecture-style content. Students should have access to content that's interactive and creative. When they have to think for themselves, it is great for learning.
Educators should try to use the type of technology that supports critical thinking and problem-solving. Educational games that allow for exploration or websites that encourage students to build items are good examples. On digital platforms, text rarely appears on its own. Educators need to use a combination of videos, audio, animations, digital games, and other media to make communication more effective.
Movement is essential
Many digital technologies involve more movement than they did in the past. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can encourage students to be physically active while using their brains. Technology use doesn't mean students have to sit still. They can use augmented reality apps on their mobile phones when they need to move so they keep their brains active. Incorporating personalized game-based learning in education helps to drive student engagement.
Take frequent breaks
It may seem counterintuitive but students need to take frequent breaks from technology. After a break from screens, they will feel fresher. A little exercise will get their blood pumping and ensure their brains get a good flow of oxygen. Their eyes get a rest and when they return to their computer screens, they will have more ability to concentrate.
Media-free time is essential
Parents can set media times and limits according to the ages of their children. They can establish media-free times where students take off their headphones, put down their mobile phones, and relax. Being completely technology-free at certain times helps to create a healthy balance.
Exposure to screens later in the day can affect melatonin production and interfere with a good night's sleep. Setting a cut-off time for when screens must go off will help students to sleep peacefully.
Support cyber-citizenship
Students need to know how to use technology and how to protect themselves online. Adults can't just assume that they know how to be safe and secure online. Parents and educators can show them how to critically evaluate online sources and much more.
A better and more detailed understanding of how they use technology can be a great step to help them balance usage. There are many timers students can use to limit the amount of time they spend on certain apps or websites.
It is more helpful for parents and educators to focus on giving students agency and quality screen time rather than focusing on addiction. Older students can reflect on their media use and how they can achieve a healthy media balance.
This will involve considering its positive and negative aspects. They need to learn how to focus on positive use and reduce negative uses. Managing technology use is key to protecting well-being and helping students to thrive in challenging times.
Author's Bio
Connie Elser takes life easy as he thinks it's one of the best ways a writer can spark creativity on a consistent basis. He thinks that a writer can easily get trapped in writer's block if mental nourishment is not considered. In his viewpoint, new ideas, unique topics, a different spin on academic papers - it's all possible when a writer is dedicated to his work.