MySQL Append

This example illustrates how to append the values of some columns.

MySQL Append

MySQL Append


This example illustrates how to append the values of some columns.

We use the 'CONCAT' function to append values of some columns and make it a single value as a result. In this example, we are concatenating  the value of "first_name" column and the value of "last_name" column for each row having value 'lucknow' in the 'city' column of the "roseindia" table.

Table "roseindia":

| id | first_name | last_name  | start_date | end_date   | city    | description | age  |
| 1  | sandeep    | suman      | 2008-12-25 | 2010-06-25 | lucknow | Programmer  | 24   |
| 2  | amit       | raghuvansi | 2007-11-22 | 2010-04-21 | lucknow | Programmer  | 25   |
| 3  | amar       | patel      | 2006-10-12 | 2007-05-12 | lucknow | Programmer  | 26   |

Query to concatenate fist_name and last_name values:


SELECT CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) from roseindia where city = 'lucknow';


| CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) |
| sandeep suman                      |
| amit raghuvansi                    |
| amar patel                         |