SQL Aggregate Functions List

SQL Aggregate Functions List describe you the Aggregate Function List Queries. The Aggregate Function include the average, count, min, max, sum etc queries.

SQL Aggregate Functions List

SQL Aggregate Functions List


SQL Aggregate Functions List describe you the Aggregate Function List Queries. The Aggregate Function include the average, count, min, max, sum etc queries.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial illustrate an example from SQL Aggregate Functions List. To understand the example we create a table 'stu' with required fieldnames and datatypes.




Create Table Stu:

create table Stu(Id varchar(2), Name varchar(15), 
Class  varchar(10),sub_id varchar(2),marks varchar(3));

Insert data into Stu:

The insert into is used to add the records or rows to the table 'Stu'.

insert into Stu values(1,'Komal',10,1,45);
insert into Stu values(2,'Ajay',10,1,56);
insert into Stu values(3,'Rakesh',10,1,67);
insert into Stu values(4,'Santosh',10,1,67);
insert into Stu values(1,'Komal',10,2,47);
insert into Stu values(2,'Ajay',10,2,53);
insert into Stu values(3,'Rakesh',10,2,57);
insert into Stu values(4,'Santosh',10,2,67);
insert into Stu values(5,'Bhanu',10,2,67);
insert into Stu values(1,'Komal',10,3,45);
insert into Stu values(2,'Ajay',10,3,56);
insert into Stu values(3,'Rakesh',10,3,67);
insert into Stu values(4,'Santosh',10,3,67);
insert into Stu values(5,'Bhanu',10,3,67);
insert into Stu values(1,'Komal',10,4,65);
insert into Stu values(2,'Ajay',10,4,56);
insert into Stu values(3,'Rakesh',10,4,37);
insert into Stu values(4,'Santosh',10,4,67);
insert into Stu values(5,'Bhanu',10,2,67);
insert into Stu values(1,'Komal',10,5,65);
insert into Stu values(2,'Ajay',10,5,46);
insert into Stu values(3,'Rakesh',10,5,63);

AVG Functions :

The AVG Functions return the average sum of the records marks as fieldname marks, id and name from table 'stu'. The group by clause returns you the unique records from table 'stu'. 

mysql> select id, name, avg(marks) as
    -> 'avg marks' from stu  group by id;
| id   | name    | avg marks |
| 1    | Komal   | 53.4      |
| 2    | Ajay    | 53.4      |
| 3    | Rakesh  | 58.2      |
| 4    | Santosh | 67        |
| 5    | Bhanu   | 67        |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

COUNT Functions: 

The  count (id) Function is a aggregate function that return the sum number of records matched in the table stu that meet the specified criteria..

mysql> select id, name, count(id) as 'paper'
    -> from stu  group by id;
| id   | name    | paper |
| 1    | Komal   | 5     |
| 2    | Ajay    | 5     |
| 3    | Rakesh  | 5     |
| 4    | Santosh | 4     |
| 5    | Bhanu   | 3     |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MIN Functions :

The Min Functions return the minimum value of the records mark from table stu.

mysql> select id, name, min(marks) as
    -> 'Min marks in sub' from stu  group by id;
| id   | name    | Min marks in sub |
| 1    | Komal   | 45               |
| 2    | Ajay    | 46               |
| 3    | Rakesh  | 37               |
| 4    | Santosh | 67               |
| 5    | Bhanu   | 67               |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MAX Functions  

The MAX Functions is used to return the maximum records value of marks from table stu. The Group by Id return you the unique id records.

mysql> select id, name, max(marks) as
    -> 'Max marks in sub' from stu  group by id;
| id   | name    | Max marks in sub |
| 1    | Komal   | 65               |
| 2    | Ajay    | 56               |
| 3    | Rakesh  | 67               |
| 4    | Santosh | 67               |
| 5    | Bhanu   | 67               |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SUM Functions

The SUM Functions is used to return the sum of total marks from table 'stu'.

mysql> select id, name, sum(marks) as 'total marks'
    -> from stu  group by id;
| id   | name    | total marks |
| 1    | Komal   | 267         |
| 2    | Ajay    | 267         |
| 3    | Rakesh  | 291         |
| 4    | Santosh | 268         |
| 5    | Bhanu   | 201         |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)