PHP SQL Select Where

PHP SQL Select Where is used to provide the records from the table that meet the specific criteria and print the records on the browser.

PHP SQL Select Where

PHP SQL Select Where


PHP SQL Select Where is used to provide the records from the table that meet the specific criteria and print the records on the browser. The Where Clause helps you to return only those records that meet the specific criteria in the SQL query.

Understand with Example

This section of Tutorial illustrate an example from 'PHP SQL Select Where'. To understand and grasp the example we create a table user. The select Query is used to return the records from table 'user'. 




Table: user

In order to execute the query in PHP,  we create a where.php. The Where.php uses the mysql_query () function. This function helps you to send the query or command to a MySQL connection. The Mysql_query () function create a mysql query "SELECT * FROM user WHERE fname='sandeep'", which select all the records from "user" where fname= "sandeep". The While loop tells PHP to execute the statement repeatedly, till the while expression evaluate all the records of 'sandeep' from table 'user'. The echo , property of PHP is used to print the records on the browser.

Source Code of select_where.php

  $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","root");
  if (!$con){
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
  mysql_select_db("test", $con);
  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE fname='sandeep'");

  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
  echo $row['fname'] " " . $row['lname']."<br>";
  echo $row['designation'];
  echo "<br><br>";

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