Web hosting simply means hosting one?s site(s) on a server of a dedicated web host. The web host stores all your site pages and other content and makes them available to internet users worldwide. Although there are thousands of web hosting solutions providers worldwide providing hosting solutions of all kinds, lay users are often confused by the different terminologies and sheer number of web hosting options available.
Web hosting simply means hosting one's site(s) on a server of a dedicated web host. The web host stores all your site pages and other content and makes them available to internet users worldwide. Although there are thousands of web hosting solutions providers worldwide providing hosting solutions of all kinds, lay users are often confused by the different terminologies and sheer number of web hosting options available. Here we try to simplify all these complex web-hosting jargons and list the various web-hosting solutions available today that are both reliable and cost-effective.
Types and Kinds of Web Hosting Solutions available:
What to look for in a quality Web Hosting Solutions provider:
Now that you have learnt about the various kinds of web hosting options you should also know something about the features to consider when reviewing any web-hosting plan.
Quick Response Time: Your website server should be able to respond in no time even under heavy load conditions. After all, visitors to your site will not bother to wait for more than 2 to 3 seconds for the site to load before navigating to another site.
Near Zero Downtime: No one wants to see the “website not found” page again and again. It speaks badly of your company's and site's reliability and professionalism. Hence select the web hosting solutions provider that guarantees 99% uptime, no less.
Daily Data Backup: Data loss is a very real threat and you would want a hosting plan that includes daily data back up to prevent your efforts from going waste.
Secure Hosting: With massive increase in online frauds and malware attacks you should put server security right at the top of your priority list. Apart from routine website security look for a web hosting solutions provider that can support data encryption and VPN services, if the need arises in future.
Website Usage Stats: Wouldn't it be great to know about your website visitor's needs, interests, location, age and so on, so as to enhance your website offerings thereby generating even more page traffic? Many web hosts offer detailed website info, which can be invaluable to you, so do remember to select a web host accordingly.
Different Hosting Options: If you have selected a web host for different domains but need to host one site using Windows, another using Linux and still another on Unix, is this possible? Yes very much so, always look for a web hosting solutions provider that offers multiple OS support for single and multiple domains.
Management Tools: To gain greater control over your website features and accessibility options it is imperative your dedicated web host provides you with completely customisable management tools and user friendly interface.
Benefits of choosing Rose India Web Hosting Services:
Rose India Web Hosting Solutions guarantees you all these features and much more. We offer dedicated web hosting plans for all types of web hosting needs whether, small, medium or large. What's more, our hosting plans are completely customisable to meet our client's needs. If your storage needs are small but security needs are high then we modify the plan accordingly to offer the perfect web hosting solution to you, always.
If you are stuck with a slow web server that is driving away your traffic to your competitors, our sympathies are with you. Nothing can be more annoying than facing innumerable downtimes at peak business hours. Rose India offers reliable, robust and completely scalable web hosting services that take care of your hosting burdens, thus letting you focus on your core business plans and strategies. We offer the best-in-class server security for our top end hosting solutions, no wonder our hosting services are much sought after, being not just cost-effective, but also delivering lightening speed, reliability, security and fully customisable tools.
Our web servers are monitored by a dedicated team of server professionals ensuring zero downtime and lightening quick web access, always. It's never too late to switch to Rose India, make the right choice today and experience the difference.
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