Global Positioning System (GPS) is a radio-navigation system formed from the constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations. GPS Vehicle tracking system basically comprise of two parts; a GPS Location Tracking device and a computer software.
Global Positioning System (GPS) is a radio-navigation system formed from the constellation of 24 satellites and their ground stations. The Global Positioning System is mainly funded and controlled by the U.S Department of Defense (DOD). The system was initially designed for the operation of U. S. military. But today, there are also many civil users of GPS across the whole world. The civil users are allowed to use the Standard Positioning Service without any kind of charge or restrictions.
GPS Vehicle tracking system basically comprise of two parts; a GPS Location Tracking device and a computer software. The GPS Location Device is installed in the vehicle which is generally a hand wire. This can be connected to the ignition switch, battery or the antennae. The Location Device for a Fleet Management helps to point the exact location of the vehicle with the use of GPS and after that the updates of the location are transmitted at a regular interval of time or after any change in the event, e.g. ignition on / off. Earlier these updates were transmitted through MS (Short Message Service). But now a days the information is made available to the user \via a website accessed over the internet, where you can watch your fleet activity live or anytime with the help of digital maps and reports. In addition to that the GPRS enabled devices such as mobile phones can also be used to tack the location.
You can also download the software for GPS tracking with the internet to view the location. After the download a Graphical User Interface (GUI) page layout templates also get installed to your computer and you can use this to monitor your vehicle by downloading the vehicle tracking data from the internet.
A GPS tracking system uses the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network to locate the things. This network contains a group of satellites using microwave signals which are than transmitted to the GPS devices, which ultimately provides the information on location, vehicle speed, time, direction and other information. Moreover, a GPS tracking system can provide you with both real-time data as well as historic data of any kind of navigation.
GPS transmits specific satellite signals that are processed through a receiver at the server center. Using this GPS technology you can not only know the exact location of the vehicle but can also determine the velocity and time. The location can also be viewed in a three-dimensional view by using four GPS satellite signals. The Global Positioning System consists of a constellation of 27 Earth-orbiting GPS satellites of which 24 satellites are fully operational and other 3 are for emergency if any of the satellite fails. These satellites move round the Earth in 12 hours and send radio signals from space that are received by the GPS receiver continuously.
Several tracking stations are located across the earth for the control of the Positioning System. These tracking stations tracks the signals from the GPS satellites that are continuously orbiting the earth. These satellites transmit microwave carrier signals to the server. Those who are using GPS have GPS receivers in their devices that convert these satellite signals and tells you the exact location, time and velocity of the vehicle.
Thus, the implementation of Global Positioning System has created a great position in the field of navigation due to its advance technological features which helps you to track any device including your automobile for many purposes effectively.
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