J2EE Application Development Solutions and Services

  • J2EE is the modular, component-oriented derivative of Java and has become a leading application development technology of current time. J2EE application framework ensures the highest application quality and shortened development cycles of developed applications. Key java services available from Java application servers and the J2EE framework include java server pages, Java's messaging services and JDBC.

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J2EE Application Development Solutions and Services

J2EE is the modular, component-oriented derivative of Java and has become a leading application development technology of current time. J2EE application framework ensures the highest application quality and shortened development cycles of developed applications. Key java services available from Java application servers and the J2EE framework include java server pages, Java's messaging services and JDBC.

J2EE application development

J2EE Custom Software Application Development Services

J2EE is the modular, component-oriented derivative of Java and has become a leading application development technology of current time. J2EE application framework ensures the highest application quality and shortened development cycles of developed applications. Key java services available from Java application servers and the J2EE framework include java server pages, Java's messaging services and JDBC.

Java based application have become popular due to following key reasons:

  • It is platform independent, which helps in developing cross-platform portable solutions
  • Little or no cost is needed to start a custom development project in Java, since there are no licensing fees for the platform.
  • There is strong vendor and open source community support for java applications in areas ranging from e-mail, e-commerce to database transactions.
  • It offers several features that accelerate the market trends

Rose India helps its clients by providing wide range of Java, J2EE skills for developing software for their business website development and mobile devices. The team of Java professionals at Rose India not only resolves problems but also provide technical solutions by using and implementing Java technology. The experienced Java developer develops proficiency in chosen application services by making it reusable components and that can be used across various projects.

India Rose India offers J2EE consulting, Java web application development, desktop application development.

The Java developers are proficient in setting up inherent java features i.e. swing, to showcase window application.

Java professionals of Rose India has diverse skills and provides range of services that are listed below:

Core Java:

  • Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 1.4 and 1.5

Web Technologies:

  • Jsp
  • Servlets
  • Struts
  • Webwork
  • Velocity

Persistence Technologies:

  • Hibernate
  • Java Persistence Application programming interface (JPA)
  • Java Database Connectivity

Desktop Technologies:

  • Swing

Application / Web Server:

  • Tomcat Web Server
  • Glassfish Application Server
  • Weblogic 8.1 Application Server
  • JBoss 4.x Application Server
  • Sun Application Server


  • Eclipse
  • Netbean
  • MyEclipse

Design Pattern Other Tools :

  • Apache Log4j
  • Apache Common Logging
  •  Apache Upload
  • Apache POI
  • JIRA

J2ME and Wireless Games Development

J2ME stands for Java 2 Platform Micro Edition. J2ME is a product developed by the Sun Microsystems' and basically used for consumer wireless device platform. J2ME allows developers to use Java and the J2ME wireless toolkit to create applications and programs for wireless and mobile devices.

J2ME has revolutionized the wireless communication technology of the world. J2ME has emerged as the most popular application development platform for wireless phones. It is mostly available on GSM handsets and is supported by all major phones manufacturers including Motorola, Samsung, Nokia and Sony-Ericsson. Windows Mobile handsets from Motorola also supported the J2ME developed applications. More than

J2ME mobile application is a based on CLDC/MIDP and different JSRs. The Rose India expert Java team has years of experience in executing projects based on Mobile Application Development using J2ME. Our J2ME Developers are proficient in creating applications, testing in a simulator, and porting it to mobile devices.

Our Expertise in J2ME Mobile Application Development covers:

  • Native J2ME Application based on CLDC/MIDP
  • Blackberry Application Development
  • Bluetooth Application for Mobile
  • JSR 75 based development on J2ME.
  • Native Blackberry device application
  • XMPP based Chat Service Application Development
  • Development with Facebook APIs

We request you to call us at +91 9313063554 or email us at deepak@roseindia.net  for you software development needs.