Mobile Game Developers

  • Roseindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd, a Delhi based software development company of India has gained pretty experiences in developing a wide range of mobile games covering from cross puzzles to high end multi player super games.

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Mobile Game Developers

Roseindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd, a Delhi based software development company of India has gained pretty experiences in developing a wide range of mobile games covering from cross puzzles to high end multi player super games.

Mobile Game Developers

A mobile game is very different from handheld video game that is played on PlayStation portable or with remote on television or computer. A mobile game here refers to a video game played on a mobile phone, smartphone, PDA, or any portable gazettes or gizmos. Since the origin of mobile games, it has become the hot favourite of the mobile users. An average mobile is an excellent way of passing time for the mobile users.

After the popularity of first mobile game (1997) that was Snake on selected models of Nokia, the trend of developing several simple to high-end mobile games have increased very rapidly. The mobile games can be played alone or in sharing using the given device in the mobile. Mobile games cannot only be downloaded from the website, computer but also can be shared it via sending it through MMS or GPRS system.

Usually the mobile users download the mobile games from the mobile operator's network but only specific and customized mobile games can be downloaded from mobile game making companies. There are hundreds of mobile games making companies that develop a wide range of mobile games from simple puzzles to high-end action games.

Roseindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd, a Delhi based software development company of India has gained pretty experiences in developing a wide range of mobile games covering from cross puzzles to high end multi player super games.

We develop cross platform mobile games in different technologies like C++, Flash, Flex, JavaFx, NetBeans IDE, J2ME, and Java. There are experts from all the programming languages in our mobile game developers team that cumulative perform the given assignment with full dedication and commitment.

We develop mobile game engines basically on J2ME, NetBeans IDE, Flex, Flash, JavaFx, and Silverlight platform that can run on various models of mobile phone of single platform. We develop mobile games for Symbian, Windows, Linux, Solaris, Unix and Android operating systems that can run on Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola, LG, BlackBerry, HTC, and PDAs.

Our mobile games developers are highly efficient in their skills and they have quite experience in developing mobile game engines. They are highly talented, teach savvy, and proficiency in programming which enables them in developing all sorts of mobile games for all sorts of platforms and models.

Roseindia also deals with mobile game developers outsourcing and we offer offshore mobile games development solutions for our overseas customers. Our charges are most competitive in the market while our product?s quality is incredible. We delivered the flawless product with finest quality and scalability well before the deadline.

So, order us now to get a customized mobile game that meets to your or your business demand. You just need to fulfill the 'Quote Request' form and submit the query in it. We will contact to you through mail within two working days.

We request you to call us at +91 9313063554 or email us at  for you software development needs.