BMI Calculator, BMI Calculator iPhone, BMI Calculator iPhone

  • Roseindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has offered a free utility tool ? BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) Calculator (Calc) for iPhone and ipod. Our iBMI Calc is one of the most accurate calculators for calculating the BMI rate of the body, which accurate measurement informs us about the general health condition of our body

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BMI Calculator, BMI Calculator iPhone, BMI Calculator iPhone

Roseindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has offered a free utility tool ? BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) Calculator (Calc) for iPhone and ipod. Our iBMI Calc is one of the most accurate calculators for calculating the BMI rate of the body, which accurate measurement informs us about the general health condition of our body

BMI Calculator for iPhone

Free iBMI Calculator

Roseindia Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has offered a free utility tool – BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) Calculator (Calc) for iPhone and ipod. Our iBMI Calc is one of the most accurate calculators for calculating the BMI rate of the body, which accurate measurement informs us about the general health condition of our body. Using the correct information of RoseIndia’s iBMI Calc, the users can take immediate and right action for improvement of their health, which will the return of our efforts.

Our iBMI Calc provides comprehensive information about Body Mass Index like the BMI categories and measuring system. The iBMI calculator of Roseindia Technologies offers the calculation of BMI in two most popular measuring systems – Imperial standard and Metric Standard. As per the convenience of the user, BMI Calculators can be used in any system.

About Body Mass Index (BMI)

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an assessment calculation of weight in the proportion to height. However, the BMI calc does not inform accurately about the volume of the fat in the human body, but it reports an estimated amount of deposited fat which higher rate is the alarm to human beings. If the necessary measurements were taken quickly, the problem can be eliminated completely. That’s why, it is one of the most powerful too being used for estimating body fat of human being.

According to the principle of Medical Science, BMI has been categorized into three categories: underweight, overweight and obesity. The range between 18.5 to 24.9 of BMI rate comes under ‘Normal Weight’ while the BMI between 25-29.9 is assessed as overweight. The BMI below 18.5 and above 30 is considered as underweight and obese respectively.

The universal formula of BMI calculation is a unit of measure divided by a square unit of height in the same measurement system e.g. Weight in Kilogram/height in Metre Square (SI system).

For Imperial System, the formula is being used:

BMI= Weight (lb) * 703
   Height in inch Square


BMI= Weight (lb) *4.88
   Height in feet sqaure

About iBMI

Roseindia iBMI Calc is a based on simple calculation of BMI formula and reflect the above 99% accurate results.

The calculation formula is based on Universal formula of BMI, that is mathematically correct but for more accurate diagnostic result, contact to your physician.

The calculation can be done in two measurement systems: Standard (Imperial) and SI (Metric).

The calculator has been developed for working on Mac based OS and can run only Apple’s iPhone and iPod device.

In the iPhone/iPod, our tool is distributed in two side front side and flip side. In the front side, the calculator and it’s category is available while in the flip side, the product information and ‘Disclaimer’ is declared.

Handling iBMI is very easy and the instructions of handing it are given in the ‘Application Description’ section available in iTune.

The iBMI is absolutely free and can be downloaded on any iPhone/iPod device at free of cost from the iTune – the software store of Apple.

It can be downloaded freely from:

Application Description of iBMI

iPhone Application, iBMI Calculator, Mac OS X

Application Name: BMI Calculator

Device: Software

Primary Category: Utility Tool

Version Number: 1.1

SKU Number: iBMICalc-01

Release Date: 21/07/2009 

Icon Size: 60*60

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