Google news submission rejected: Learn what to do for getting your website in Google news?

  • We are discussing various guidelines to get your website approved in Google News even if you got Google news submission rejection multiple times.

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Google news submission rejected: Learn what to do for getting your website in Google news?

We are discussing various guidelines to get your website approved in Google News even if you got Google news submission rejection multiple times.

Google news submission rejected: What are the next options for getting site index in Google News?

We are discussing the ways to improve/re-design your news site if you get multiple rejections from Google News. Information given here will definitely help you in making your website better to achieve your goal.

If you have applied for the approval of your website in Google news but unfortunately your site got rejection multiple times then think again. You must follow the instruction given here for getting your website included in Google news.  We have provided you the tips that you can follow and resubmit your website in Google news and possibly get approval.  Once your website is approved in Google news you can publish news content and present in front of millions of viewers around the world. So, your Google news submission rejected? No worries follow the guideline given here and get your news website Included in Google news index.

Google news is very choosy when it comes to the news website. The Google news approval process is a manual process where highly experience reviewer checks your website manually. If they found that your website is meeting Google news standards then they approved your website for inclusion in Google news index. So, you must update your news website to meet Google news standards so that it is included in news index on next submission by you.

In this article we are discussing important news standards that you must make your website complaint to meet those standards after following these tips you will be able to get success in setting inclusion in news index.

Here are the tips you must follow to meet your website with the standards set by Google news for approval and get selected for inclusion in GNews index.

Here are the guidelines you must follow for your getting approval in Google News:

1. Article formatting in sections and use html for creating each page of your website

News page must be well formatted into headline, summary, author data and news content. It should be user friendly formatted with HTML tags. Google news only indexes the news pages created and well formatted in HTML.  Don’t publish news in .doc .docx or pdf formats, Google won’t include these in news index.

2. Permanent URL for each news page

Create new unique permanent URL for each new page and provide a link from the home page of your website. Google news crawler will read your index page and it will crawl all the links of news published on your site you should not replace old news with new news you should create new URL for each article published on your website. This is a must requirement and you must follow these guidelines for getting approval in the Google new index
Google news is very choosy when it comes to the news websites. The Google news approval is manual process where highly experienced reviewer checks your website manually and if they found your website meeting standard set by Google News.

3. Theme of website

The theme of website plays an important role, because your news website must look like a news website and for this you must select or design your website well. You should use or design your own news/magazine style theme for your website. You can also purchase news theme and modify it to meet your need. Create sections like World, Sports, Technologies etc… in your website and publish news in appropriate section so that your user can find related news in one section. You must publish news in all these categories so that it looks a well organized news website. You must visit news websites already coming in Google News to see how these sites has been organized. This will give you quick idea of organizing news in various sections. If you see your website is not up to the mark then you must update your design. You should check your website multiple times so that nothing is messing before actually applying for review by news team of Google. This way you can make your site which meets the news standards and it gets approved quickly in the news.

3. Website and author contact details

Next very important thing is the contact details of the handlers of your website. The website is handled by editor, company, and the authors; you must provide the contact emails and other details on your website. The ownership and responsibility of the content published on your website is very important. These details are also very important and you should include details on your website. If your Google news submission rejected with the reason “Google News readers like to know more about the authors of news articles”, then you must add these details on your website. These are several reasons of the Google news submission rejection, and this can be one of the reasons also. There are lots of standards that any news website must follow so it is not easy to find the exact reason of rejection and you have to check your website thoroughly before re-applying.

You may also include the social handlers of your website in the appropriate link sections so that if the news readers interested then can go to your social websites to know more about you.
Also add multiple authors on your website and ask them to write for your website. They must write on regular basis and publish on your website.

4. Content Guideline

On your news website you must only publish news content and refrain from posting jobs, market news, stock rates, how to, tutorials etc… These contents are not part of news and Google news will reject your website if such contents are found. Many publisher start publishing job posting, tutorials, or any such material which is simply not news and should not published on the news website. If you publish high quality news content on your website then the changes of getting into Google news becomes very high and you may success fast in getting into Google News. So, if you follow these guidelines then you won’t get “Google news submission rejected” message. Always publish 3-5 news per days on your website which is good number for new websites. But keep in mind that your content is meeting the content guideline.

 5. Multiple authors for your website

You must employ multiple authors for writing for your website and ask them to write in journalist standard. They must publish 2-3 news per day on your website. High quality and original news content is must for getting into Google News. You should add their bio-data with social website URL’s on the authors section of website. It is better to have detailed profile of each author and also list latest articles written by them.

6. Organize articles in categories

It is good that if you are writing on many different topics then it is necessary to create categories for each content type. You should publish articles in the appropriate categories such Technology, World, Sports, Science, Health or any other category of your choice. The organizing topics in categories will help the news readers in quickly scanning news in the categories they are interested in. This also gives a good feel to user. Organizing the articles into categories is another major requirement of news website.

7. Regular posting of articles

You must write and publish articles on your website regularly. It is better to publish 5-6 or more articles per day on your website. You should publish original news content on your website. Google news is looking for the websites regularly publishing high quality original reported news on the website. If you are original news in journalistic style and publishing it on your site then the chances of getting accepted in news increases many fold. Your website and content is manually checked by the trained reviewer. So, quality of article plays very import role in getting approvals.

8. Content writing standards

You must write grammatically correct content and in journalistic style. Your writing style should meet the journalistic standard which is used writing news stories, news reports in the media industry. Here journalists writes news reports in short, simple sentences and paragraphs that everyone can understand.  It should give complete information about the news being reported and should be based on facts. You should include persons, place, and other artifacts which is present at the place of incidence.
Do not copy the content from other news website and publish. You have to do your home work, and do the original reporting. Google loves unique and original news content, so, if you are able to provide such content then you will be in top of Google News.

9. Website site software

If you are not a programmer or web designer then you can use Word Press for creating your website. You can also take the help of any designing organizations/persons for getting your website designed and developed. There are many paid newspaper templates for WordPress software which you can use. You should have some website designing skills to work with a wordpress website.
Today, we discussed important things that you should consider while making your news website. These information’s will help you in making quality news website and fast approval. If you follow these guidelines you will be able to get your site indexed in Google news and avoid any further rejections.

Here we discussed what you can do if you received “Google news submission rejected” after the review of your news website.

Even after following all these guideline your site is rejected again then you can buy or take our service for the approval of news website.

Google news submission rejected? Don't worry, buy News Approved website/domains

If you are trying to get your website approved in Goolge News but your website submission is rejected multiple times with the message "Google news submission rejected" with some error message, then you can buy a pre-approved Google News website with us. You can also take our help in getting your website approved in GNews. Our professional team will help you in properly creating website, writing original news and getting approval in news index.

Contact us for buying Google News approved websites at Check Websites Approved in Google News available for Sale  page to view the latest offering from us.

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