Open Source SQL
- Open Source SQL Clients in Java
SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands etc. The minimum version of Java supported is 1.3. iSQL-Viewer is an open-source JDBC 2.x compliant database front end written in Java. It implements across multiple platforms features of the JDBC API. It does everything through a single interface. iSQL-Viewer works with most database platforms, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, and Informix. iSQL-Viewer provides a variety of tools and features to carry out common database tasks.
- Open Source: Data from MS SQL to MySQL
One of the very common questions appearing on various developer forums is that of comparing the pros and cons of MySQL and MS SQL. While comparisons have been made by many, mostly on technical issues, I personally find that they are difficult to compare, especially regarding their performance. It is not true that MS SQL is better than MySQL or vice versa. Both products can be used to build stable and efficient systems. The stability and effectiveness of your databases vitally depends on your experience rather than the database itself. Both of database have their own advantages over the another. When deciding which server to use, it truly depends on your needs. Despite the fact that MS SQL and MySQL both have their own strengths, a significant number of businesses have shifted their databases to MySQL because they keep finding good reasons to take advantage of MySQL's openness.
- Open source SQL database: One$DB
One$DB is an Open Source version of Daffodil DB, our commercial Java Database. One$DB is a standards based (JDBC 3.0 and SQL 99 compliant), platform independent, footprint size open source database that can be embedded into any application and requires zero or minimal administration. Daffodil DB is the first Java database that has shown the capability to take on enterprise databases with its high performance in real time environments, Compiere compatibility being the best example so far. One$DB being an open source version of Daffodil DB is exactly the same as Daffodil DB barring a few features and has been made available in both Embedded and Network editions. Feature-rich, enterprise-class Open Source SQL databases are the need of the hour because databases are infrastructure software that needs continuous improvements in terms of features and performances.
- Mckoi SQL Database
Mckoi SQL Database is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Before using the software, please read the license and understand its terms. A copy of the license is available here. This is an open source project. You are free to download and distribute the software under the terms of the license. This section is a reference for the SQL grammar that Mckoi SQL Database supports. Mckoi SQL Database supports a subset of entry level ANSI SQL-92. This section is not intended to be a tutorial for learning SQL. For SQL books and online tutorials see the links section on the home page.
- Open-Source Tool for PL/SQL Logging
The implementation of logs is a significant element in development strategy: exhaustive yet concise logs are required to enable code debugging and the tracing of functional events. At the same time, however, in this era of diminishing resources it is necessary to minimize the workload generated by logging. In this article. Programmers use logs in several ways to help them develop, integrate, and manage their code:
* During code development, the programmer must be able to trace all the code operations, data, and events. The goal is to obtain all internal information about the code.
* When code development is complete, many programmers leave traces on the input data and on the code results. Furthermore, they save in the log files all corrupted and unscheduled events that have been detected during code execution. Functional trace generation may also be a routine step.
- SQL Server 2005 leaves open source
Sean McCown isn?t afraid of controversy. He assured me of that when I interviewed him last week in preparation for this column. So when the InfoWorld contributing editor referred to DBAs (database administrators) who favor open source databases as ?tree huggers? who don?t want to pay for commercial software, I can only assume he knew what he was in for. In a statement sure to enflame the Slashdot crowd, McCown went on to apply the back of his hand to open source databases in general. ?Open source and commercial databases aren?t even close,? he says. ?I just reviewed MySQL 5.0 for InfoWorld, and -- despite many improvements -- its management capabilities, tools, and functionality simply don?t match up with Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, or Sybase.?
- Free open-source SQL
This place is going to hold intra-release news on Sphinx development; a kind of a blog. To start, let's tease everyone with the upcoming 0.9.6 release. It's feature list might not be that big, but there was a lot of behind the scenes work since 0.9.5. searchd network protocol was rewritten from scratch. It is now binary, and designed to be extensible and backwards compatibile. Intended to be helpful for those who run a lot of sites on one Sphinx, because updating Sphinx should no longer be an immediate requirement to update sphinxapi.php on each site. Features:
* high indexing speed (upto 10 MB/sec on modern CPUs)
* high search speed (avg query is under 0.1 sec on 2-4 GB text collections)
* high scalability (upto 100 GB of text, upto 100 M documents on a single CPU)
* supports distributed searching (since v.0.9.6)
* supports MySQL natively (MyISAM and InnoDB tables are both supported)
- Managing & Using MySQL
This is the book you'll want if you're faced with an implementation project and don't know where to start. The introductory chapters are an excellent tutorial on the open-sourced MySQL structural methods and query capabilities. Even if you've never worked with databases before, this is a clear-headed, non-hysterical approach that doesn't even require programming experience. And, if you're a well-heeled code geek, you won't feel left out. By the time you're into aspects of administration, directory, and replication servers, you'll feel like you're at home. What is particularly refreshing about MU's coverage is that even items which are not specifically about MySQL get a fair shake. For example, the chapter covering the use of PHP with MySQL provides a wonderfully clear and concise explanation on some key aspects such as security and sessions. If you are looking to embrace MySQL, it's worth considering 'Managing and Using MySQL.
- What
is Open source MySQL
MySQL, the most popular Open Source SQL database, is provided by MySQL AB. MySQL AB is a commercial company that builds its business providing services around the MySQL database. MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications.
- Hypersonic SQL
Hypersonic SQL is an Open Source relational database server with SQL syntax and JDBC interface. Source code is included. In-Memory, Standalone and Client/Server modes. Tables, indices, transactions, joins, referential integrity, security mechanism. Very small footprint. Up to 10 times faster than commercial databases. On some browsers (Netscape 4.6+), the version compiled for JDK 1.2 does not work. In the Java Console (Communicator / Extras / Java Console) you will get something like:
# Verifier error org/hsql/jdbcConnection.getTypeMap()Ljava/util/Map
This means the class java.util.Map was not found. In JDK 1.1, this class does not exist. When compiled for 1.2, there is a reference this class required to conform the JDBC 2.0 interface.
- Linux SQL Databases and Tools
All major and most minor databases are now available on Linux (with the lone exception of MS-SQL). This is a sea-change compared to summer of 1996, when this list was slim indeed, listing mSQL, Postgres and a handful of others (Solid, Empress, Adabas). But at the end of 1998 and start of 1999, all of the major commercial DB vendors (IBM, Oracle, Informix, Ingres, Sybase) made their wares available on Linux, and there has been no going back. It was around that time that I lost interest in tracking new developments closely; thus, while I do make occasional stabs at updating this page, you may discover that it contains more link-rot than there should be.
- What is SQL
SQL (pronounced "ess-que-el") stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to communicate with a database. According to ANSI (American National Standards Institute), it is the standard language for relational database management systems. SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as update data on a database, or retrieve data from a database. Some common relational database management systems that use SQL are: Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Ingres, etc. Although most database systems use SQL, most of them also have their own additional proprietary extensions that are usually only used on their system. However, the standard SQL commands such as "Select", "Insert", "Update", Delete", "Create", and "Drop" can be used to accomplish almost everything that one needs to do with a database.
- SQL Server Webcast Directory
The SearchSQLServer Webcast Directory is your guide to informative SQL Server technology webcasts provided by a wide range of IT vendors. Browse and search through the Webcast Directory to hear informative presentations on hot SQL Server-related topics including Databases, Open Source Software and SQL Server. Interested in hearing from IT industry experts focused on SQL Server technologies? If so, browse this Directory for TechTarget Expert Webcasts, which provide exclusive editorial content on relevant and emerging topics.
- Open Source SQL Ledger Case
The number of Open Source software applications widely known among non-technical end users for desktop use can be counted on the finger of one hand. Don't be surprised, though, if buzz starts building over SQL-Ledger, a slick Web-based, multi-user, double-entry accounting system, which just so happens to be an Open Source application. For struggling small businesses, an out-of-the box product that can run on Mac, Windows, or *NIX platform and can be acquired without reversing the direction of cash flow is an interesting alternative. SQL-Ledger user Noel Henson is a case in point. He is the man behind Noel?s Lab, a small consultancy and contract engineering service for embedded systems, embedded firmware, and micro-controller-based ICs (integrated circuits). Henson and crew needed an easy to use accounting package. In the search process, they wanted to steer clear of proprietary Microsoft-based systems.
- Open
Source SQL
MySQL is a fast, multi-threaded, multi-user open source SQL database server. The MySQL database is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). MySQL can be used for free when you are not distributing any part of the MySQL system. For example: If you run a commercial web site using the MySQL Database Software as long as MySQL is not distributed. If you have previously installed MySQL 3.23 and you want to install a new MySQL version do the following (for an upgrade read the documentation):
* Stop the current server.
Open a dos window and type: net stop mysql
* Remove the previously installed mysql service.
C:\..\mysql\bin>mysqld-nt --remove
* Remove the old MySQL version:
Start | Settings | Configuration Screen | Software | Select MySQL | Remove
* Remove the old C:\..\mysql\ directory.