Open Source Software

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Open Source Software

Open Source Software

  1. Open Source Software
    Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code. The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source code as well as compiled form. Where some form of a product is not distributed with source code, there must be a well-publicized means of obtaining the source code for no more than a reasonable reproduction cost?preferably, downloading via the Internet without charge. The source code must be the preferred form in which a programmer would modify the program. Deliberately obfuscated source code is not allowed. Intermediate forms such as the output of a preprocessor or translator are not allowed.
  2. Wikipedia - Open Source
    Open source describes practices in production and development that promote access to the end product's sources. Some consider it as a philosophy, and others consider it as a pragmatic methodology. Before open source became widely adopted, developers and producers used a variety of phrases to describe the concept; the term open source gained popularity with the rise of the Internet and its enabling of diverse production models, communication paths, and interactive communities. Subsequently, open source software became the most prominent face of open source. The open source model can allow for the concurrent use of different agendas and approaches in production, in contrast with more centralized models of development such as those typically used in commercial software companies.
  3. Open-source software - Wikipedia
    Open source software refers to computer software available with its source code and under an open source license. Such a license permits anyone to study, change, and improve the software, and to distribute the unmodified or modified software. It is the most prominent example of open source development. The Open Source Definition, notably, presents an open-source philosophy, and further defines a boundary on the usage, modification and redistribution of open-source software. Software licenses grant rights to users which would otherwise be prohibited by copyright. These include rights on usage, modification and redistribution. Several open-source software licenses have qualified within the boundary of the Open Source Definition. The most prominent example is the popular GNU General Public License (GPL). While open source presents a way to broadly make the sources of a product publicly accessible, the open-source licenses allow the authors to fine tune such access. 
  4. W3C Open Source Software
    The natural complement to W3C specifications is running code. Implementation and testing is an essential part of specification development and releasing the code promotes exchange of ideas in the developer community. All W3C software is Open Source/ Free Software, and GPL compatible. See the license for details (and the following if you intend to contribute). Note that as this license is GPL compatible, it is possible to redistribute software based on W3C sources under a GPL license.
  5. Free Open source Software
    Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS) (also abbreviated as FLOSS or FOSS) has risen to great prominence. Briefly, OSS/FS programs are programs whose licenses give users the freedom to run the program for any purpose, to study and modify the program, and to redistribute copies of either the original or modified program (without having to pay royalties to previous developers). The goal of this paper is to convince you to consider using OSS/FS when you?re looking for software, using quantitive measures. Some sites provide a few anecdotes on why you should use OSS/FS, but for many that?s not enough information to justify using OSS/FS. 
  6. Free Software Foundation
    The Free Software Foundation (FSF), established in 1985, is dedicated to promoting computer users' rights to use, study, copy, modify, and redistribute computer programs. The FSF promotes the development and use of free software, particularly the GNU operating system, used widely in its GNU/Linux variant. The first draft of the revised GNU General Public License has been released for comment. This project will bring together organizations, software developers, and software users from around the globe during 2006, in an effort to update the world's most popular free software license.
  7. Open Source Aspect-Oriented Frameworks in Java
    AspectJ is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language, Java platform compatible and easy to learn and use. AspectJ enables the clean modularization of crosscutting concerns such as: error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior, performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support, multi-object protocols. AspectWerkz is a dynamic, lightweight and high-performant AOP framework for Java. AspectWerkz offers both power and simplicity and will help you to easily integrate AOP in both new and existing projects. AspectWerkz utilizes runtime byte code modification to weave your classes at runtime. It hooks in and weaves classes loaded by any class loader except the bootstrap class loader. It has a rich and highly orthogonal join point model.

  8. Open Source Software Development
    Open source software is defined by its attached license which abandons essential rights granted to the original creator by copyright law. This procedure gives anyone the opportunity to redistribute and modify any received open source software.  The aimed target here is the creation of a model as a base for technical support of open source software.The following thesis intends to provide a first approach for this undertaking by identifying structures of involved parties and processes. My starting point was the observation of an insufficient technical environment for usage and development of open source software. To help improve the current situation I first tried to identify suitable software tools. After investigating discussion forums, Groupware and other communication and collaboration technologies, it became clear that well-founded results could only be achieved with a detailed prior analysis of the underlying structures of open source software. 
  9. Fundamental issues software development
    Despite the growing success of the Open Source movement, most of the general public continues to feel that Open Source software is inaccessible to them. This paper discusses five fundamental problems with the current Open Source software development trend, explores why these issues are holding the movement back, and offers solutions that might help overcome these problems. The lack of focus on user interface design causes users to prefer proprietary software?s more intuitive interface. Open Source software tends to lack the complete and accessible documentation that retains users. Developers focus on features in their software, rather than ensuring that they have a solid core. Open Source programmers also tend to program with themselves as an intended audience, rather than the general public. Lastly, there is a widely known stubbornness by Open Source programmers in refusing to learn from what lessons proprietary software has to offer. 
  10. Open Source Software Institute
    The Open Source Software Institute (OSSI) is a non-profit (501 c 6) organization comprised of corporate, government and academic representatives whose mission is to promote the development and implementation of open-source software solutions within U.S. federal, state and municipal government agencies and academic entities. One of the advantages of open source is ongoing scrutiny from a wide variety of interested parties. Even prior to the awarding of the FIPS 140-2 validation for the OpenSSL FIPS Object Module.