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Software Project Management
Posted on: May 17, 2012 at 12:00 AM
Software project management is the process of planning, organising, staffing, monitoring, controlling and leading a software project. An effective software project management requires the combination of knowledge, skills, efforts, experience, capabilities and objective.

Software project management is the process of planning, organising, staffing, monitoring, controlling and leading a software project. An effective software project management requires the combination of knowledge, skills, efforts, experience, capabilities and objective.

During the software crisis of 1960s and 70s due to the failure of several high profile software projects, there arose the need of proper software project management concept for the effective utilization of tools and techniques to overcome such situation. Though, it cannot be said that, an effective software project management guarantees you success but it can minimize the risk of failure for sure. This is the reason, the popularity as well as need of software project management is increasing day by day.

Software development is a complex phenomenon that involves various activities including domain analysis, requirements specification, communication with the customers and end-users, designing and producing different facts, use of new technologies, evaluation, installation and test of software products, maintaining the application at the end-user's site, providing customer support services, planning end-user's training, updating the potential upgrades and many more. In order to keep everything under control, timely delivery, maintaining the budget and quality assurance, an effective project management is required.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

In order to carry out an efficient project management a number of tools and techniques are required on both managerial as well as economic level. The managerial requirements include planning, organising, staffing, monitoring, controlling, leading feasibility analysis, quality assurance and many more. The economic aspects include budgeting, budget monitoring, user charge back mechanism, cost/benefit analysis, and budget deviation analysis.

A software project management involves various aspects of project management including cost, quality, time, communication and many more for the successful completion of the project. Here is a brief description of all the aspects of software project management and how a project management can be carried out for the successful completion of software development projects.

Here is a brief description of all the aspects of software project management given below:ADS_TO_REPLACE_2


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