In this example, you will learn how to make multiple forms in single jsp page. Most of the times people need to use multiple forms on a single page. For example on one web page you may add forms for login, search and send link to friends.
Program Description:
These type of programs are almost used for performing specific operations on the the specific form data. This page submit only one form with it's data at a time.
Code Description:
We used html code and jsp tag to complete these Forms(Form1, Form2, Form3) that we have made on a single page. Here you will see how this program works. Suppose if you clicked on the button (labeled by "Form 1"), you will see the data of Form1. If you clicked on button (labeled by "Form 2") that is a field of second form in the document, you will see the data of Form2. But there are three forms in the page and each form has a submit button with different label like "Form 1", "Form 2" and last one is the "Form 3" these have been used to navigate specific JSP page. To identify which form no. you clicked we have used getParameter() method of request object where form name has been passed and checked if this is not equal to null. If it is not, then show that You clicked this particular form. and the rest page is shown as it was earlier.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JSP WITH MULTIPLE FORMS</TITLE> </HEAD> <body> <center> <table width="100%" border="1px" bordercolor="#000080" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" decolor=""#E2FEFD> <tr> <td><b><font size="5" color="#333399">JSP WITH MULTIPLE FORMS </font></b></td> </TR> <tr> <td height="47" valign="top" bgcolor="#E0EDFD"> <br> <b> <% if(request.getParameter("FormName") != null){ %> You Clicked <%= request.getParameter("FormName") %> <%}%></b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <FORM NAME="form1" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="FormName" VALUE="Form 1"> <br><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="form1.gif"> </FORM> <FORM NAME="form2" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="FormName" VALUE="Form 2"> <INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="form-2.gif"> </FORM> <FORM NAME="form3" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="FormName" VALUE="Form 3"> <INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="form-3.gif"> </FORM> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </BODY> </HTML> |
OutPut of the Program:
You can download the example by clicking on the following link and copy and paste the complete folder in your webapps folder in TOMCAT after extracting the zip file. And you can run the example by typing the url : http://localhst:8080/JSPMultipleForms/CreatingMultipleForm.jsp .