JSP Tutorials Resource - Useful Jsp Tutorials Links and Resources

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JSP Tutorials Resource - Useful Jsp Tutorials Links and Resources

JSP Tutorials


  1. JSP Tutorial
    The prerequisites for the tutorial are:

    • HTML.  You should be able to put together HTML pages.

    • Java.  You should be able to program in Java.

    This tutorial teaches JSP by progressing from very simple examples to complex examples.

    For best progress, it is recommended that you type in all the examples presented and get them working.  The early examples might seem very simple; please have patience.  By actually typing in the examples and getting them to work, you will gain familiarity with the actual practical issues.  Also spend some time on the exercises, these are designed to solidify your grasp of the material.

  2. JavaServer Pages
    JavaServer Pages (JSP) lets you separate the dynamic part of your pages from the static HTML. You simply write the regular HTML in the normal manner, using whatever Web-page-building tools you normally use. You then enclose the code for the dynamic parts in special tags, most of which start with "<%" and end with "%>". 

  3. JavaServer Pages Technology
    JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology allows you to easily create Web content that has both static and dynamic components. JSP technology projects all the dynamic capabilities of Java Servlet technology but provides a more natural approach to creating static content. The main features of JSP technology are

    • A language for developing JSP pages, which are text-based documents that describe how to process a request and construct a response

    • Constructs for accessing server-side objects

    • Mechanisms for defining extensions to the JSP language

  4. Introduction To JSP
    Java Server Pages or JSP for short is Sun's solution for developing dynamic web sites. JSP provide excellent server side scripting support for creating database driven web applications.

  5. Why use JSP
    JSP is easy to learn and allows developers to quickly produce web sites and applications in an open and standard way. JSP is based on Java, an object-oriented language. JSP offers a robust platform for web development.  Main reasons to use JSP:

    • Multi platform

    • Component reuse by using Javabeans and EJB.

    • Advantages of Java.

  6. Combine the power of XPath and JSP tag libraries:
     Java Server Pages and XML represent natural partners for building Web applications that use heterogeneous data sources. XML's DOM API provides a universal way to represent these diverse data sources. XPath provides a standard and simple syntax to access the DOM. JSP pages execute as Java servlets, typically in the context of a Web server where they generate session and data-dependent response documents. By combining these technologies, along with an XPath custom tag library, it's possible to make a standard and uniform approach to both representing the model data and accessing it.

  7. Creating a home page JSP:
    JSPs let you create dynamic pages containing a combination of HTML, Java, and scripting code. JSPs deliver high performance because the first time that a client requests a JSP, the page is translated into a Java Servlet and compiled. At runtime, you execute the compiled servlet.

  8. xq:zone Jsp Tutorial:
    While Mark Logic Content Interaction Server is unique in many ways, the role it plays in the IT ecosystem is typically that of datasource, a generic name for a system component that stores and retrieves data. Content Interaction Server includes a builtin HTTP server which is sufficient to execute XQuery scripts and output HTML directly to the user's browser. But there may be cases where it's preferable to access content from within a web application that's running in a J2EE container. Reasons for this could include combining the result with data from other data sources, further processing the result to apply business rules written in Java, generating XQuery scripts dynamically at runtime from session-specific information, etc.

  9. Dynamic Duo: JSP and MySQL:
    These days, no one would argue that a dynamic site is far more powerful, flexible, and scalable than a static site. But if you have a lot of static pages in your existing site, you might not know how to convert them in order to take advantage of the benefits of a dynamic site. This tutorial will show you how to do just that, by taking some existing static HTML pages, and converting them to Java Server Pages (JSP) using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and a MySQL database.

  10. Servlet and JSP Tutorial:
    Your first step is to download software that implements the Java Servlet 2.1 or 2.2 and Java Server Pages 1.0 or 1.1 specifications. You can get a free version from Sun, known as the JavaServer Web Development Kit (JSWDK) .

    1.What are Java Servlets

    Servlets are Java technology's answer to CGI programming. They are programs that run on a Web server and build Web pages. Building Web pages on the fly is useful (and commonly done) for a number of reasons:

    • The Web page is based on data submitted by the user. For example the results pages from search engines are generated this way, and programs that process orders for e-commerce sites do this as well.

    • The data changes frequently. For example, a weather-report or news headlines page might build the page dynamically, perhaps returning a previously built page if it is still up to date.

    • The Web page uses information from corporate databases or other such sources. For example, you would use this for making a Web page at an on-line store that lists current prices and number of items in stock.


    This tutorial will give you an overview of how some of the basic tags in the Jakarta-Taglibs library were created. Tag libraries allow you to create custom actions and encapsulate functionality. Custom tags can clearly separate the presentation layer from the business logic. They are easy to maintain reusable components that have access to all the objects available to JSP pages.

  12. The JSP Files:
    If you're interested in learning JSP, you've come to the right place! Over the coming weeks you'll find the following comprehensive tutorials available here -- so be sure to check back each week to get the latest installment.

  13. JSP and Servlets:
    Java Server Pages (JSP) and Java Servlets are the presentation-tier Java API, typically used with HTML, xHTML, XML, WML, for Web appliction and services development.

  14. Java Skyline: Learn JSP:
    JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a scripting facility and specification built on Servlets that enables you to build a Web interface by defining it in markup language pages, similar to HTML.Using JSP requires a JSP-enabled Servlet engine, or a Servlet engine that incorporates the Java Server Web Development Kit (JSWDK). A number of JSP engines are listed on JavaSkyline: Servers. However, you should be especially aware of one of them primarily: TomCat, from the Jakarta Apache Project. TomCat is the prototype for Sun's JSWDK standard.

  15. First Java Servlets and JSP Tutorial :
    We want to create a small web application (library), that illustrates the usage of JavaServer Pages combined with Java Servlets. We use the JavaServer Pages to display data (presentation) and the servlets to control and call the business logic of the web application.

  16. JSPs or Servlets:
    SINCE THE INTRODUCTION of JSP technology, two architectures have emerged for building server-side Web applications in Java. The first involves JSPs only, and the second uses JSPs and Servlets together. Referred to as Model 1 and Model 2 architectures, respectively, each model has its advantages and disadvantages. The Model 2 architecture has become quite popular recently, and has received a great deal of coverage on the Web and in trade magazines. In fact, many developers mistakenly believe this architecture has replaced the Model 1 architecture and is the "right" way to use JSPs.

  17. Java2 Servlets & JSP :
    The fastest and most cost effictive way to learn, forget boring books, no need for expensive classroom training. Just easy to follow training movies that play right from your own computer, Log in from home or the office the choice is yours. all courses are taught by world leading experts.

  18. Servlet and JSP Tutorial:
    1..Basic Servlet Structure:
    Here's the outline of a basic servlet that handles GET requests. GET requests, for those unfamiliar with HTTP, are requests made by browsers when the user types in a URL on the address line, follows a link from a Web page, or makes an HTML form that does not specify a METHOD. Servlets can also very easily handle POST requests, which are generated when someone creates an HTML form that specifies METHOD="POST".

  19. Java servlet and JSP code:
    Learning how to develop Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs) has typically required the use of several books as well as online tutorials and the Java documentation .

  20. DMXzone is celebrating :
    We have gathered the best of our e-magazines and put them in this special edition. From Photoshop and Flash to scripting, we collected the best articles and combined them in one package.

  21. JSP Example:Dynamic HTML Form - Table Editor:
    This chapter shows how to use the framework to build a table editor. The HTML form is generated dynamically by a JSP. The framework still does the routine tasks such as form data handling, user error handling, etc. XML-based persistence was implemented for user data. A discussion about thread safety was included at the end of the chapter.

  22. Dark Street Tutorials:
    Every server-side language now days has the ability to process forms and this is one of the biggest uses of server-side languages today. JSP is no exception.

  23. JavaScript Primers:
    Welcome to the HTML Goodies JavaScript Primers! The purpose of these 30 lessons is to get you started writing your own JavaScript events. If you've tried to learn JavaScript through a book or from the Internet, my guess is that you found it quite difficult. Me, too. Learning JavaScript is literally learning a new language. The text may be English, but the construction of the sentences is quite different.

  24. Java Documents:
    Java and XML now includes the Java API for XML (JAX). JAX includes JAXB, JAXM, JAXP and other API. Java and XML also includes DOM/JDOM, XSL/XSLT and Schemas.

  25. JavaServer Pages Fundamentals:
    While there are numerous technologies for building web applications that serve dynamic content, the one that has really caught the attention of the development community is JavaServer Pages (JSP). And not without ample reason either. JSP not only enjoys cross-platform and cross-Web-server support, but effectively melds the power of server-side Java technology with the WYSIWYG features of static HTML pages.
    1.JSP pages typically comprise of:

    • Static HTML/XML components.

    • Special JSP tags

    • Optionally, snippets of code written in the Java programming language called "scriptlets."

  26. Ovid Tutorials:
    Learn the basics of searching and navigating the Ovid Online system. This tutorial, divided into seven lessons, is an excellent resource for new users, as well as users that would like to refresh their searching skills on Ovid.

  27. The Java world:
    Learn the basics of client-side Java in this discussion just for beginners. Core topics include the Java language, the Java Virtual Machine, APIs, and development tools.

  28. JSP, Servlets, Jakarta Struts, JSF, & Java Programming :
     JSP & servlet training courses personally developed and taught by Marty Hall, experienced developer, award-winning instructor, and author of the   best-selling servlet, JSP, and Java programming books from Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems Press. Learn from the expert! Available at public venues or onsite at your location.

  29. The Linux Tutorial:
    This covers dynamic content using JAVA servlets, JAVA Server Pages (JSP and JASPER page compiler), Jakarta-Tomcat, Apache and a Database (PostgreSQL or MySQL) on Red Hat Linux 7.2. A configuration presented here will allow one to make a web request to the Apache web server which will recognize it as request for a servlet to be handled by Tomcat. Tomcat, the Java Servlet and JSP engine, will execute the Java Servlet which will use JDBC to access a database (PostgreSQL or MySQL). The servlet will dynamically generate a web page based on the results of the database query and will provide these results to Apache which will deliver the web content back to the  requesting browser.

  30. Resin : JSP Tutorial:
    Resin 2.0 is released under the Caucho Developer Source License. Caucho Technology is committed to providing the best web tools for all developers, from hackers to multinational corporations. We've created the Developer Source License to meet that goal. Developer Source ensures that everyone has access to Resin. It also ensures that we can continue to develop and support the highest quality web development software.

  31. Java Applets Tutorials:
    JSP or Java Server Pages is a Java technology that allows developers to dynamically generate HTML, XML or some other type of web page. The technology allows Java code and certain pre-defined actions to be embedded into static content. The JSP syntax adds additional XML tags, called JSP actions, to be used to invoke built-in functionality. Additionally, the technology allows for the creation of JSP tag libraries that act as extensions to the standard HTML or XML tags. Tag libraries provide a platform independent way of extending the capabilities of a web server.

  32. The Special Tools and Examples:
    This is a short introduction to writing HTML.  It is a special kind of text document that is used by Web browsers to present text and graphics. The text includes markup tags such as <p> to indicate the start of a paragraph, and </p> to indicate the end of a paragraph. HTML documents are often refered to as "Web pages". The browser retrieves Web pages from Web servers that thanks to the Internet, can be pretty much anywhere in World.

  33. The JSP Editor:
    Stylus Studio® includes a built-in JSP Editor, to enable XML developers to create dynamic JSP driven Web applications driven by XML data. Stylus Studio®'s Document Wizards are helpful tools for creating and editing XML documents, including JSP 1.0/2.0 files.

  34. Bajie's Jsp Tutorial :
    1.Setup JDK and jsp engines:
    irst, if you don't have a java compiler installed, install JDK 1.3 from sun. Click here to download it. It is recommended to add (INSTALLDIR)\bin to your path, where (INSTALLDIR) is the directory where you installed JDK. If you are on windows, (INSTALLDIR) it is usually c:\jdk1.3.1 .There are different ways for different platforms to add a directory to path. If you don't know how, don't worry.

  35. The JSP Insider:
    The JSP Insiders actively participate in the open-source Java, JavaServer Pages, and Servlets communities. While working as full time Java consultants, we are constantly giving talks at conferences, writing articles and tutorials, and even publishing complete books. Here is a current listing of all the available content authored by the JSP Insiders, all free, no registration required.

  36. Classpath Tutorial:
    This tutorial/discussion is designed to help in understand and set your System Environment Variables. The objective is to provide the information needed to properly set up a Java environment on your system. You may find this information to be useful for other operations as well.

  37. The JSP Tag :
    In this tutorial we will learn what are custom JSP tags and how to build your first JSP tag. This tutorial assumes no prior knowledge about JSP tags. What are JSP tags: Well, if you know HTML, XML etc then you know what are tags. In any tag based language ( e.g. HTML ) anything between '<' and '>' is a tag e.g. <title> is a title tag. These HTML tags are used on the client side in the browser to format the display of data on the user screen. Likewise in JSP we have tags between '<' and '>' and you can do just about anything you can think of on the server-side with them e.g. <star:firsttag />.

  38. JSP Hibernate Tutorial
    In this section, you will learn how to use JSP with hibernate. This section contains pagination example using JSP & Hibernate.