removeAttribute() Method Of The Request Object

This section introduces for the method removeAttribute() of the request object.

removeAttribute() Method Of The Request Object

removeAttribute() Method Of The Request Object


This section introduces for the method removeAttribute() of the request object. This method removes the attribute. This method takes a string type parameter i.e. the attribute name that has to be removed. After applying this method you can't access the attribute. If you specify the method for getting the value of the attribute what has removed, you will get the null value.

In this section, you will see more about the removeAttribute() method of the request object in JSP by learning through the provided description and the JSP code of the example. You can understand very efficiently the JSP code of the example.

Here is the JSP code of the RemoveAttributeMethod.jsp file:

	request.setAttribute("UName", "chandan");
	request.setAttribute("Password", "chand");
	String pageName = "RemoveAttributeMethod1.jsp";
	RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher
	if(requestDispatcher != null){
		requestDispatcher.forward(request, response);

Here is the JSP code of the RemoveAttributeMethod1.jsp file:

	out.println("User Name: " + request.getAttribute("UName") + "<br/>");
	out.println("Password: " + request.getAttribute("Password") + "<br/>");
	out.println("Your name: " + request.getAttribute("UName") + "<br/>");
	out.println("Your password: ");
	if(request.getAttribute("Password") == null)
		out.println("\'Password\' attribute is removed.");

Output for the both examples:

Download the RemoveAttributeMethod.jsp file.

Download the RemoveAttributeMethod1.jsp file.