In this article you?ll find numbers of Java Applet examples and tutorials that illustrate the role of Java Applets in Web Application developments. Generally, Applets are written in Java programming language and further delivered to users in the form of bytecode, able to run in a web browser supported by JVM.
In this article, we are discussing about the role of Java Applets in web application development. As we all know that an Applet is a simple Java program, which is written in Java programming language that extends the java.applet. Applet class provides the standard interface between an Applet application and Web Browser environment. Swing JApplet "javax.swing.JApplet" is another Swing Applet class, which is used in an Applet application to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
Basically, an Applet is a simple Java program that can be embedded within an HTML page and it runs into a web browser. However to run the Applet application, your browser must have the JVM plug-in or you can download and install Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in your system as JVM create an instance of the applet class that invokes various methods during the applet's lifetime.
There is one more noticeable thing about Java Applet is that it differs from stand-alone Java applications and never invokes the main ( ) method so, an Applet will not define the main method.
Here are few useful examples on Java Applet that illustrates the essentials of Java Applet programming: