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Online IT Training Courses in India

The online IT training courses help in honing the optimists, we provide online IT training in programming technologies.

Online IT Training Courses in India

Information Technology (IT) and Information Technology-Enabled Services (ITES) form the biggest sector that has dominated the global platform for quite some time. Rose India Technologies Private Limited is an undertaking that aims to shape and prepare professionals to tackle the challenges faced in this field in the most skilled manner. And the best part is that, it does not require enrolment to any physical form of institute.

Welcome to Rose India Corporate Training Sector

Shaping the IT Professionals of Greater TomorrowADS_TO_REPLACE_1

India's economy received a severe boost with the development and growth of IT industry. Now the scene is that, it is the greatest contributor of revenue, even more than the export revenues. The outsourcing market in India is biggest in the world and it attracts major foreign investments. Apart from this, core IT has also gained great momentum over the years, which has in turn raised the demand for courses related to software and hardware engineering. Since Digital India is on the run, online IT training courses have also made their foray and are gaining popularity with consistency.

There are many young engineering talents in our country who are looking for career opportunities to exhibit their skills, work for their interest, as well as, to have a secured future. The online IT training courses help in honing the optimists, who look for a career in IT and offers them the required training without having to go to an institute. Rose India Technologies (P) Ltd. is an online training institute that provides holistic knowledge regarding IT and its various aspects through modular structures. The specialised training imparted by company is meant to eliminate the dearth of quality candidature in this industry and to ensure bright career for the enthusiasts, who look themselves as prospective IT specialists.


Rose India has universally accepted training methodologies and substantially comprehensive study materials to render online certifications and guidance for software or hardware expertise. Becoming an adept programmer, developer or any other IT related professional is not impossibility with Rose India's reliable tutoring.

The Corporate Training courses offered by the online tutorials are:

Java: The object oriented, high-level programming language and the platform is made familiar to the aspirants, who are fresh engineering graduates. The online IT training course comprises of various categories which the students can choose as per their relevance. There are Core and Advanced Java for levels to learn and excel. Then there are technology sections like Java SE6, Java Sever Pages (JSP), Servlets, Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), Java To Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) and JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL).ADS_TO_REPLACE_3

Framework: The Java Frameworks are taught, to the learners and potential IT specialists, under this course. The frameworks are prewritten abstract codes on generic functions that can be made more specific by overriding user defined codes. Its function is to enhance the productivity of software by enabling to build efficient applications. The categories of Frameworks training given by Rose India are -  Hibernate, Struts 1.x, Struts 2, JSF, JavaFX, Ajax, Spring 2.5, Spring 3, DOJO, iBatis, Flex 3 and Flex 4.

Database: This is one of the online IT training courses, which provides thorough knowledge of Database Management Systems (DBMS). The course includes SQL and My SQL, which are applications designed to manage, retrieve and capture and analyse data stored in Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).

Technology: The technological advancements, made with the growth of IT all over the world, are explained under this course. It covers various topics viz. Global Positioning System (GPS), Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), Wi-Fi, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). These highly used technological applications are great creations of IT and are greatly interesting to study.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

Web Development: The crucial programming languages for web development named the Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) and JavaScript are the divisions of this online IT training course.  For aspiring web developers, these languages are kind of fundamentals, since they are widely used for creating Graphics User Interface (GUI) for various websites and web applications on World Wide Web (WWW) or the internet.

Build/Test: It refers to understanding of the various Build and Test tools which are required during programming process of Java. Build and Test are the repetitive processes of creating and examining project codes for development and maintenance of applications. The future Java programmers get to learn about Build and Test tools like DbUnit, ANT, Maven, JUNIT and JMeter that help in developing effective applications through automated process of building and testing project codes.

Servers: Servers are entrusted with accepting requests and transferring information to Clients. Rose India presents online IT training courses to the professionals-in-making in terms of application servers which are used for working of Java-based applications. The distinctive categories of this course are Apache Tomcat, Apache Geronimo, JBoss, which integrate data, devices and Java applications for user's implementation.ADS_TO_REPLACE_5

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Posted on: March 9, 2017 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles



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