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Which are the best big data online training institutes in India?

In this article we are going to explore in-depth about the Big Data Training and Big Data training provided by online Big Data Training institutes in India.

Online Big Data Training in India - Best online training institutes for Big Data Training in India

Big Data is one of the most fast growing careers in software industry offering good packages to right candidates. This career is of the most blooming career options in the world and in India; large number of IT professionals are getting best work in the Industry.

This page is discussing about Big Data Online Training in India and the various courses offered by institutes in India. Online training course is gaining its popularity due to its great success in delivering effective training to students scattered around the world. This saves a lot of travelling time and huge expenses which may incurred if the same training is taken in classroom.

Check Big Data and Hadoop online training for Java Programmer course details here.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

Overview of Big Data

The Big Data is a concept of handling tremendous amount of data by using various IT technologies and distributed commodity servers. Big Data technologies are used to handle large amount of data such as data generated by social network platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, Data generated by air plane, atomic plants etc... To handle such a huge data quantity thousands of commodity servers are with software stack. Specialized Software stack know as Big Data platform are installed over a cluster of thousands of commodity servers to handle data in distributed environment.

Which are the best big data online training institutes in India?

There are many open source and commercial Big Data platform which can be used to make systems to handle Big Data. Apache Hadoop is open-source, most used Big Data platform. Apache Hadoop can be downloaded from the Apache Software foundation official website.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

Apache Hadoop  comes with distributed file file system which is known as Hadoop File System or HDFS for short. Apache Hadoop uses HDFS for distributed storage of files on the clustered servers.

Hadoop uses Map Reduce technology for the distributed processing of data. In such programming paradigm processing logic is submitted to the nodes where data resides in the cluster and processed data is collected by the program. There are many parallel project at Apache Software found which is being developed separately for the Apache Hadoop.  These projects are collectively known as Hadoop eco-system projects. Hadoop eco-system projects are HBase, Sqoop, Hive, Flume etc.. These Hadoop eco-system projects are extensively used with the Hadoop deployment.

To master Hadoop and Big Data one must learn many technologies, experiment with it, learn the optimal use of these technologies and work on sample projects to get most out of your learning.ADS_TO_REPLACE_3

What are the benefits of online Big Data and Hadoop Training?

There are many benefits of taking online Big Data and Hadoop training classes from any of the Big Data online training institute. For working professionals and remote students online training classes is best option to learn Big Data in minimum time.

The most important benefits of online Big Data training is "Learn anywhere anytime" by enrolling in the online training sessions at convenient time schedule. You can join weekend classes for learning stress free during weekly holiday. Most of the Big Data online training institutes are conducting morning and evening classes which is good for professionals. You can select any of schedules.

You can save a lot of travelling time if you attend online training classes as compared to the classroom training. Training institutes also offers training certificates after completion of training. Training certificates will help you in getting jobs much easier.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

Which online Big Data training topics are good to have in online training offered by Big Data training institutes?

You select training institute which provide at least following topics in their training course:

  • Big Data Overview
  • Hadoop as Big Data Platform
  • Getting started with Hadoop
  • HDFS and YARN
  • MapReduce
  • Sqoop
  • Hive
  • Spark
  • HBase
  • Apache Pig

Apart from this you should work on the sample projects to implement all these concept. This will give you better ideas of each topics learned in the training classes.

If you are looking for Best Online Big Data and Hadoop training classes then join it at:ADS_TO_REPLACE_5

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Posted on: October 28, 2018 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles


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