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Big Data and Data Science online training course, best online course for learning Big Data and Data Science

Big Data and Data Science online training course is one of the best online training course to learn these technologies. In-depth online training classes will give you a chance to learn and master Data Science technologies.

Big Data and Data Science online training course for software developers

Welcome to the Big Data and Data Science online training course for software developers. In this course, you will learn about Big Data and Data science from beginning. In the Big Data course you will learn Hadoop Eco-system components and how to use them for real data storage on Big data cluster. In the Data Science course we will cover statistics using a practical, interactive approach to problem solving and quantitative data analysis. We will also cover Python programming language and TensorFlow for developing machine learning system to solve business problems. This is hands-on oriented training where you will learn lot of coding.

We have well designed our Big Data and Data Science online training course to match with the industry requirements.  Data Science and Big Data online training course that provides industry, colleges, students, and researchers with a rigorous course of study, blended with intensive practice using latest technologies. Our course includes many example programs to teach you technologies well, you can practice with example code.

The introductory part of data science course you will teach you the purpose of statistics and how to use basic statistics to analyze your data, as well as how to build the skills to carry out advanced analysis in your real-life projects. This data science course is best course in the industry for master data science. All our Big Data and Data Science courses are delivered online in instructor led training sessions.ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

The Big Data and Data Science online training course also includes the session on the cloud deployment of production system.

These training courses will cover many topics and example code so that you can make projects yourself. Our lectures will give you enough hands-on experience so that you can implement your own projects. You will also have the opportunity to practice with Python, Big Data and Data Science with the help of provided sample projects.

You can simple enrol in our Big Data and Data Science course by contacting us by email or by phone. ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

In this training course will get everything you need to get started building data science applications with Python, TensorFlow and SQL data.

Big Data training course topics

In the Big Data training course we will teach you Hadoop eco-system components. You will learn to develop Big Data platform using various Hadoop components. In the Big Data course will have included MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Oozie and Spark framework. You will learn to work with Hadoop and its eco-system software components.

You can enroll for Big Data training at: Big Data and Hadoop Training.ADS_TO_REPLACE_3

Data Science training course topics

Our Data Science training course includes Python and TensorFlow 2.0. Here you will learn to work with the Python and TensorFlow 2.0 to develop machine learning models.

The TensorFlow 2.0 machine learning course includes following topics:

  • TensorFlow 2.0 Introduction
  • Writing your image classification model
  • Working with CNN
  • Working with RNN
  • Training and saving models
  • Infer model
  • Working with Transfer learning and deploying model in production

Enroll for at: TensorFlow 2.0 Course - Get training in TensorFlow 2.0 online.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

Contact us at for your training requirements.

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Posted on: December 8, 2019 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles



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