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Advanced Java Training

Advanced Java Training delivered online, on-site and in classroom.

Advanced Java Training

Advanced Java Programming Course for the Java beginners having some knowledge of Java programming Language. We are assuming that you have working knowledge of Core Java and worked on Java projects.

Advanced Java Training course will help in learning the Advanced concepts of Java Programming language including Generics, Threads, JDBC and Design patterns.

Prerequisites of Advanced Java TrainingADS_TO_REPLACE_1

  • Working knowledge of Core Java
  • You should have experience in writing, compiling, debugging and running Java programs
  • Understanding of Java syntax, looping, conditional statements etc...
  • Familiar with the JDK tools
  • Knowledge of IDE such as Eclipse

Objective of Advanced Java Training

  • You will be able to use JFC architecture API and building GUI of the applications
  • After completing the Advanced Java training course you will be able to develop multi-threaded Java applications
  • You will be able to use Reflection API very efficiently
  • You will be able to use Annotations in your program
  • Good knowledge of Java network API. Develop socket based communication applications in Java
  • You will be able to develop applications using JFC, RMI, JDBC, and other Core API of JDK
  • Understand various J2EE technologies such as JNDI, EJB,RMI,  and CORBA
  • Develop RMI based applications
  • Use JDBC API
  • Using Batch processing in Java
  • Develop multi-tired applications in Java

Here the topics that you should master as part of your advance java study.

  1. Generics - Learn how to use Generics in your Java program
    1. Introduction to Generics
    2. Type Erasure
    3. Type Boundaries
    4. Wildcards
    5. Generic Methods
    6. Strengths and Weaknesses of Generics
    7. Legacy Code and Generics
  2. Threads - Learn how to develop multi-threaded Java applications
    1. Java Thread Model
    2. Creating and Running Threads
    3. Manipulating Thread State
    4. Thread Synchronization
    5. Volatile Fields vs. Synchronized Methods
    6. wait and notify
    7. Join and sleep
    8. The Concurrency API
    9. Atomic Operations
  3. Reflection - Learn how to use reflection framework in Java
    1. Uses for Meta-Data
    2. The Reflection API
    3. The Class<T> Class
    4. The java.lang.reflect Package
    5. Reading Type Information
    6. Navigating Inheritance Trees
    7. Dynamic Instantiation
    8. Dynamic Invocation
    9. Reflecting on Generics
  4. Annotations - Annotations makes the development of Java based application much easier. Learn what is Annotations and how to use in Java programs.
    1. Aspect-Oriented Programming and Java
    2. The Annotations Model
    3. Annotation Types and Annotations
    4. Built-In Annotations
    5. Annotations vs. Descriptors (XML)
  5. Sockets - Introduction to socket programming in Java.
    1. The OSI Reference Model
    2. Network Protocols
    3. The Socket Class
    4. The ServerSocket Class
    5. Connecting Through URL Objects
    6. HTTP and Other TCP Servers
    7. Datagram Clients and Servers
    8. Non-Blocking Sockets
  6. Database and SQL Fundamentals - Understand the basics of RDBMS
    1. Relational Databases and SQL
    2. Database, Schema, Tables, Columns and Rows
    3. SQL Versions and Vendor Implementations
    4. DDL -- Creating and Managing Database Objects
    5. DML -- Retrieving and Managing Data
    6. Sequences
    7. Stored Procedures
    8. Using SQL Terminals
  7. JDBC Fundamentals - Learn JDBC API, which is used to access the database from Java program.
    1. What is the JDBC API?
    2. JDBC Drivers
    3. Making a Connection
    4. Creating and Executing a Statement
    5. Retrieving Values from a ResultSet
    6. SQL and Java Datatypes
    7. Creating and Updating Tables
    8. Handling SQL Exceptions and Proper Cleanup
    9. Handling SQLWarning
  8. Advanced JDBC - Learn the advanced concepts of JDBC
    1. SQL Escape Syntax
    2. Using Prepared Statements
    3. Using Callable Statements
    4. Scrollable Result Sets
    5. Updatable Result Sets
    6. Transactions
    7. Commits, Rollbacks, and Savepoints
    8. Batch Processing
  9. Introduction to Row Sets - Learn to use Row Sets in Java applications
    1. Row Sets in GUI and J2EE programming
    2. Advantages of RowSets
    3. RowSet Specializations
    4. Using CachedRowSets
  10. Design Patterns - Understand the designs patterns of Java
    1. What are Design Patterns?
    2. Singleton, Factory Method, Abstract Factory
    3. Adapter, Composite, Decorator
    4. Chain of Responsibility, Observer / Publish-Subscribe, Strategy, Template
    5. Data Access Object (DAO)

After completing above course you can move on to JSP and Servlet training courses.ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

Contact us at [email protected] for your training requirements.

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Posted on: July 14, 2011 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles



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