Applet in Eclipse - Running Applet In Eclipse

Here you will learn how to develop and run Applet in Eclipse IDE. In this section, you will learn how to run applet in Eclipse 3.0.

Applet in Eclipse - Running Applet In Eclipse

Applet in Eclipse - Running Applet In Eclipse


Here you will learn how to develop and run Applet in Eclipse IDE. In this section, you will learn how to run applet in Eclipse 3.0. An applet is a little Java program that runs inside a Web browser. The purpose of an applet is to extend the functionality of a Web page in a browser. The HTML document tells the browser to load and run an applet using the HTML tag <applet>


Step 1: When you start Eclipse, a startup screen appears, and the program spends some time loading various modules. 



Here is the video instruction of running applet in Eclipse:

Step2 :  When Eclipse has finished loading, you will see a following screen.



Step3 :  Select File->New->Project... from the menu bar to begin creating your Java applet project. 



Step 4:  For the project name, enter AppletTest, then click the Finish button. 



Step 5: After creating new project then display will be following screen.



Step 6: Your project called, "AppletTest" should now appear in the Package Explorer. To add a class to the package, single-click on "appletexample" with your mouse to select the package, then select File->New->Class from the menu bar.



Step 7:  Create java class file under the package. After creating java class file then display the following screen. 0



Step 8:  Create java applet code saving and compiling the applet program. Select File->Save  from the menu bar to save your work. If there are no syntax errors, you can now run the applet.




Step 9:  To run the program, select the file, then select Run->Run as->Java Applet from the menu bar. The program runs and the the Java applet appears in the applet viewer.



Download this Example 4