With the introduction of new Gmail Inbox by Google recently, it has been more attractive as it allows the users to customize their emails as per priority. This tutorial will teach you How to get Gmail Inbox easily to enjoy the new experience of Gmail inbox.
Recently Google rolled its brand new look of Gmail Inbox, which looks quite impressive as it allows the users to customize the emails into different categories. Everyday you receive many mails of which some are useful, while many mails are of no use of which we want to get rid off. In order to avoid such mesh, Google has now launched a new inbox for its Gmail users with personalized categories, where users can save their emails according to their priority and choice.
Though, the new Gmail inbox is available for use now but many users are still unknown with the process of configuring the new Gmail inbox, which is very easy to install. In this tutorial you will learn How to get New Gmail Inbox?
To begin with the configuration of the new Gmail inbox, first of all login into your Gmail account and then go to settings on the upper right.
Now, select the option "configure inbox" and your will find the customized options 'Primary', 'Social', 'Promotions', 'Updates' and 'Forums'.
Once you get the options, you can now configure your email with any option by clicking on the box against options.
Now, if you want to save your mails as per you choice in any option you can just drag your mail to the option box and it will get saved.
Moreover, if you want to add more option box into your inbox you can again go to configure inbox option in settings and select any option.
Thus you can get your personalized and customized Gmail inbox easily where you can save your emails easily. The options provided by Google its new Gmail inbox filters your emails as per the type of emails, such as:
Primary: This category will save all your important emails that you receive from the email ids of your friends and family, as well as any other messages that don't appear in other tabs.
Promotions: This category contains the emails that are sent to your regarding some deals, offers, and other promotional emails.
Social: Social section will filter all the emails that you often get from the social media platforms like facebook, twitter and other media-sharing sites like online dating services, gaming platforms, and other social websites.
Updates: This section contains the notifications sent to you regarding confirmations, receipts, bills, and statements.
Forums: This section will save emails from online groups, discussion boards, and mailing lists.
So enjoy the experience of the New Gmail Inbox of Google by Configuring it into your Gmail account easily.