What is total AWS EMR cluster price


I want to calculate the AWS EMR cluster usage price. How to calculate the price of AWS EMR Cluster?


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April 7, 2020 at 9:25 PM


AWS don't provide any tool for easily calculating the price of EMR cluster. But there a python package which can be used to calculate the price.

There is a python package which can be used to calculate the price of AWS EMR. The Python package name is aws-emr-cost-calculator which can be installed by running following command:

pip install aws-emr-cost-calculator

Check here: Installing aws-emr-cost-calculator.

After installation you can use this in your python program to calculate the usage of aws emr cluster.

It currently supports two operations:

Get the total cost of an EMR workflow for a given period of days

aws-emr-cost-calculator total --created_after=<YYYY-MM-DD> --created_before=<YYYY-MM-DD>

Get the cost of an EMR cluster given the cluster id

aws-emr-cost-calculator cluster --cluster_id=<j-xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hope this helps you.


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