df in linux not showing correct free space after file removal


I have deleted a big file in linux but df is not showing correct free space after file deletion. Even I can find the file with locate command but ls command is not showing the file.

How to resove this issue?

df in linux not showing correct free space after file removal, what can be the reason and the solution to get my space back?


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March 12, 2019 at 12:07 AM


In most the cases this error comes when you delete a file but the process which is using the file is running. So the solution is to kill or restart the process which is using the file.

To view the deleted file being used by process you can run following command:

lsof +L1

Above command will list the process with deleted (unlink) file.

An then you should stop the process to recover your space.


March 12, 2019 at 12:08 AM


You can also use the following command:

lsof | grep 'deleted'

to find the list of deleted files.


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