Is Docker going away


I am Docker engineer and working on the DevOps projects using the Docker. Just for curiosity I want to know the future of Docker. Is Docker going away?


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August 29, 2020 at 1:14 PM


Docker is still not active development and its one of the top project on GitHub. The the Docker usage is increasing fast and at least for now Docker is not going away.

Yes. there are few competitors of Docker such as Podman. But It will take some time for its popularity and wide spread use.

So, as of now the Docker is not going away and it will continue to remain the top tool.

Is Docker going away?

No, Not for now.

The answer, is that "discoverability" (what Docker looks for in a container) is still being managed and evaluated. There is definitely work being done to make things like security easier to manage. If you look at the documentation for the Dockerfile, you can see some very interesting new capabilities that are not being addressed - security-wise, Docker's goal remains the same: to make a container easy to use, without a lot of other hoops the user would have to jump through. So for Docker to become a mainstream feature that Docker applications and containers can use (a common goal), this goal needs to be managed by the developers (and their engineers), and not by Docker itself.

The Docker developers are adding new features in the each release.

Check Docker tutorials at:


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