There seems good demand for the Data Scientists around the world. I recently
completed by degree in engineering with distinction in Mathematics and other
science topics. There are good demands of Data Scientist in the industry. So, I
decided to learn Data Science ASAP and try for Machine learning Job. But don't
know how to start as there is lot of topics to learn in Data Science. I know
Mathematics but there is lot of programming languages and API knowledge is
required for machine learning.
So, what is the best way to get started and learn Data Science? Should I go
for data science courses?
Is it possible to learn Data Science by own? Or I will have to take Data
Science course?
I am looking towards your advice in this regard. Can you provide me url for
learning Data Science for free?
October 9, 2020 at 11:13 PM
Should I go for data science courses that include Data Structures, Algorithms, and Data Visualization?
It depends on your current interests and the career you want to make in the Data Science field. If you're currently interested in learning algorithms and data management and would like to get your Data Science skills up to speed, data science courses that focus on algorithms and data structures are an excellent place to start. Check out Big Data and Data Science online training course for software developers for more information!
Can I do data science in college?
If you're currently enrolled in undergraduate classes, there are plenty of options to for you. You can choose the online or full time Data Science courses provided by various Universities around the world. Most of the online master's degree in Data Science does not require previous programming experience. If you've already had experience with data science or machine learning, this isn't the place to start! In fact, you can join fast track online courses by various institutes to learn it fast. You may also opt for self-paced, and some are only available online.
The hardest part of a data science course is the programming, which takes a lot of time to master. Here you have to learn many programming languages and then also learn the Machine Learning packages. Even though you learn how to code in this environment using online resources, the software packages that you'll want to use to do analytics - Python, R, TensorFlow or others ? aren't easy to learn and requires lot of practice.
If you have the chance, I highly recommend taking your course on Data Science courses at a college you've never seen before. We encourage you to visit the University of Toronto's Master of Science in Data Science or the University of Chicago's Master of Science in Computer Science. Even if you come from afar, you can be sure the courses they offer are some of the best available!
If you have anything to add about this post, feel free to leave a comment!
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