what is key in kafka?

what is key in kafka?


I was searching for Big Data jobs on internet and almost all the Big Data Job recruiters are asking for Kafka skills.

what is key in kafka? How to learn Kafka?


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February 9, 2018 at 8:15 PM


Yes in most of the Big Data job opening you will find Kafka as one of the important skills. Kafka is very frequently used tool in Big Data environment and people are using it during ingestion of data into Data Lake.

Kafka is messaging system for Big Data and it provides high performance during the ingestion of data.

In Kafka we have clusters of Kafka nodes which is know as Kafka broker. In Kafka we have:

a) Producer - Generate messages and send it to Kafka Broker

b) Kafka broker - Nodes in Kafka cluster which centrally receives, stores and distribute messages to consumers

c) Consumers - Consumers connect to Kafka broker and fetch messages

Check all Kafka Tutorials.


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