Populating a list is Scala with random double


I am writing Big Data Analytics program and there is need of populating random double values. Is there any easy for this?

I want code for Populating a list is Scala with random double.


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November 12, 2017 at 7:08 PM


You can use following code to generate random double:

 val f = List.fill(200)(math.random)

Above code generates 200 random double and fills into list. You can also write code as shown below:


Here sample output of the program:

scala> val f = List.fill(200)(math.random)
f: List[Double] = List(0.8177392605405407, 0.6564263397990546,
0.4524370695806057, 0.46530598807444123, 0.4448807267968605, 
0.5995599114887837, 0.15604115934929874, 0.41011415871847934, 
0.41615741907429193, 0.9305082942231618, 0.11074738420430352,
0.7024134139103135, 0.46581611081575336, 0.1824714768449518, 
0.5224807778207685, 0.6624941180263288, 0.18373595103468832, 
0.16260563831694952, 0.12598396140802126, 0.6421874802971818, 
0.12044622248102277, 0.761989627776956, 0.1829725678674904, 
0.04614957832947053, 0.9465237945692694, 0.6868608690256842, 
0.6632862161215008, 0.036942238094971214, 0.930
6823527702981, 0.5045838092652264, 0.1882895380148497, 
0.6362215986746129, 0.04481235271097528, 0.5120718288206062, 
0.8128475910954386, 0.6267280169944165, 0.20442428068223617, 
0.4548914339909159, ...


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