H ello, i have an xml code, i need to save it into mysql 5.5 server database using java. i also want to be able to retrieve it as well. please note that i want it saved as xml and retrieve it the same way i saved it. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP.... this is my xml code


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March 5, 2012 at 10:46 AM

import java.sql.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
public class InsertXMLData
    public static void main(String[] args) 

        try {
             Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test", "root", "root");
            Statement st=con.createStatement();
            DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            Document doc = docBuilder.parse (new File("C:/roseindia.xml"));
            doc.getDocumentElement ().normalize ();
            System.out.println ("Root element of the doc is " + doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());

            NodeList listOfPersons = doc.getElementsByTagName("employee");

            for(int s=0; s<listOfPersons.getLength() ; s++){

                Node firstPersonNode = listOfPersons.item(s);
                if(firstPersonNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){

                    Element firstPersonElement = (Element)firstPersonNode;
                    NodeList firstNameList = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("name");
                    Element firstNameElement = (Element)firstNameList.item(0);

                    NodeList textFNList = firstNameElement.getChildNodes();
                    String name= ((Node)textFNList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();

                    NodeList lastNameList = firstPersonElement.getElementsByTagName("address");
                    Element lastNameElement = (Element)lastNameList.item(0);

                    NodeList textLNList = lastNameElement.getChildNodes();
                   String address= ((Node)textLNList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();

        int i=st.executeUpdate("insert into data(name,address) values('"+name+"','"+address+"')");
           out.println("Data is successfully inserted!");
        }catch (Exception err) {
        System.out.println(" " + err.getMessage ());

March 5, 2012 at 10:56 AM

import java.sql.*;

import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;

public class JavaXmlDataBase{
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {

DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
//creating a new instance of a DOM to build a DOM tree.
Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();
new XmlServlet().createXmlTree(doc);

System.out.println("<b>Xml File Created Successfully</b>");
catch(Exception e)


public void createXmlTree(Document doc) throws Exception {
//This method creates an element node
Element root = doc.createElement("Company");
//adding a node after the last child node of the specified node.

Element child = doc.createElement("Location");

Element child1 = doc.createElement("Companyname");

Text text = doc.createTextNode("Roseindia .Net");

Comment comment = doc.createComment("Employee in roseindia");

Connection con = null;
int count = 0;
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/user_register","root","root";);
String sql = "SELECT * FROM employee_details";
PreparedStatement prest = con.prepareStatement(sql);

ResultSet rs = prest.executeQuery();
Element element=null;
Text text1=null;
while ({
String name = rs.getString(2) + " " + rs.getString(3);

element = doc.createElement("Employee");

text1 = doc.createTextNode(name);
catch (SQLException s){
System.out.println("SQL statement is not executed!");
catch (Exception e){

March 6, 2012 at 12:34 AM

thank you so much for your response, unfortunately it still didnt work. what do you think is the problem?

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