package; import java.sql.*; import*; import com.ilp.tsi.db.DB; public class CreateService { public void createRet(CreateBean x) { String id=x.getId(); String name=x.getName(); String password=x.getPassword(); String contactno=x.getContact(); String addr=x.getAddress(); String email=x.getEmail(); Connection conn=null; Statement stmt=null; ResultSet rs=null; try { DB dao=new DB(); conn=dao.getConnection(); stmt=conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("insert into RETAILER (RETAILER_ID, RETAILER_NAME, PASSWORD, CONTACT_NO, ADDRESS, EMAIL_ID) values ( '" +id+ "','" + name + "','"+password+"',' " + contactno + " ','" + addr + "','"+email+"')"); stmt.executeQuery("commit"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { conn.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // return true; } public void CreateIm(CreateBean x) { String id=x.getId(); String name=x.getName(); String password=x.getPassword(); String contactno=x.getContact(); String addr=x.getAddress(); Connection conn=null; Statement stmt=null; ResultSet rs=null; try { DB dao=new DB(); conn=dao.getConnection(); stmt=conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery("insert into IM_DETAILS (IM_ID,IM_NAME,PASSWORD,CONTACT_NO,ADDRESS) values ( '" +id+ "','" + name + "','"+password+"',' " + contactno + " ',' " + addr + " ')"); stmt.executeQuery("commit"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { conn.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //return rs; } public Prodtag countRet(CreateBean cb) { Connection conn=null; Statement stmt=null; ResultSet rs=null,rs1=null; CreateService cs=new CreateService(); Prodtag prodbean=new Prodtag(); try { DB obj=new DB(); conn=obj.getConnection(); stmt=conn.createStatement(); rs=stmt.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RETAILER"); int temp=0; //counting no of records in retailer table while( { temp= rs.getInt("count(*)"); } temp++; String id=""; String temp1=""; while(true) { temp1 = new Integer(temp).toString(); id="RET".concat(temp1); //generating unique retailer ID rs1=stmt.executeQuery("select * from retailer where retailer_id='"+id+"'"); if( { temp++; continue ; } else { break; } } cb.setId(id); String password=id; cb.setPassword(password); prodbean.setRetailerId(id); cs.createRet(cb); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { conn.close(); stmt.close(); rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return prodbean; } public ResultSet countIm(CreateBean cb) { CreateService cs=new CreateService(); Connection conn=null; Statement stmt=null; ResultSet rs=null; try { DB obj=new DB(); conn=obj.getConnection(); stmt=conn.createStatement(); rs=stmt.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM IM_DETAILS"); int temp=0; //counting no of records in Inventory manager table while( { temp= rs.getInt("count(*)"); } temp++; String temp1=new Integer(temp).toString(); String id="IM".concat(temp1); //generating unique Inventory manager ID cb.setId(id); String password=id; cb.setPassword(password); cs.CreateIm(cb); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { conn.close(); stmt.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return rs; } } - - - - package; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import; //import; //class for Stock public class StockService{ //Adding stock public boolean AddStock(StockBean bean, Connection con) throws SQLException { Statement stmt=null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean chk=false; String productId = bean.getProductId(); String modelName = bean.getModelName(); int quantity = bean.getQuantity(); Random random=new Random(); try { String s=null; int count=0,c1=0,c2=0; stmt = con.createStatement(); rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from advance where product_id='"+productId+"'"); if( { //System.out.println("sdadasf "+rs.getString(1)+" "+rs.getString(2)+" "+rs.getInt(3)); s=rs.getString(1); c1=rs.getInt(3); } for(int i=1;i<=quantity ;i++) { int rand_no= random.nextInt(); String temp=productId.concat(modelName); String productCode=temp+rand_no; c2++; if(c2>c1) { rs =stmt.executeQuery("insert into stock (product_id,product_code,prod_model_name,status)values ('"+productId+"','"+productCode+"','"+modelName+"', 'available')"); stmt.executeQuery("commit"); } else { System.out.println("gffsdghsdfhsdfhjdfhjdfhdg "); stmt.executeUpdate("insert into stock (product_id,product_code,prod_model_name,status,order_id)values ('"+productId+"','"+productCode+"','"+modelName+"', 'allocated','"+s+"')"); count++; } rs=stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from stock where product_id='"+productId+"'"); if ( { bean.setQuantity(Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1))); } } count=c1-count; System.out.println("gergsghshjs "+count); stmt.executeUpdate("update advance set quant_reqd='"+count+"' where product_id='"+productId+"' and order_id='"+s+"'"); stmt.executeUpdate("update product set quantity="+bean.getQuantity()+" where product_id='"+productId+"'"); chk=true; } catch(SQLException e) { } finally{ rs.close(); stmt.close(); con.close(); } return chk; } //Getting product model name public StockBean productModelName(StockBean sb,Connection con) throws SQLException { Statement st=null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String productId =sb.getProductId(); st= con.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select * from product where product_id='" + productId + "'"); while( { sb.setProductId(rs.getString(1)); sb.setModelName(rs.getString(2)); // System.out.println(sb.getModelName()); } // System.out.println("Search completed."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { rs.close(); st.close(); con.close(); } return sb; } //Deleting stock public boolean deleteStock(StockBean bean, Connection con) throws SQLException { Statement stmt=null; ResultSet rs = null; int count=0; boolean chk=false; String productId = bean.getProductId(); String modelName = bean.getModelName(); String productCode = bean.getProductCode(); // System.out.println("this is from delete service---"); // System.out.println(productId); // System.out.println(modelName); // System.out.println(productCode); try { stmt = con.createStatement(); // System.out.println("service page3"); // System.out.println(productCode); // System.out.println("delete from stock where productCode='"+productCode+"'"); rs = stmt.executeQuery("delete from stock where product_code='"+productCode+"'"); stmt.executeQuery("commit"); rs=stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from stock where product_id='"+productId+"'"); if ( { bean.setQuantity(Integer.parseInt(rs.getString(1))); } rs=stmt.executeQuery("select *from stock where product_id='"+productId+"'"); rs=stmt.executeQuery("update product set quantity="+bean.getQuantity()+" where product_id='"+productId+"'"); // System.out.println("product table Successfully updated"); chk=true; } catch(SQLException e) { // System.out.println(e); } finally{ rs.close(); stmt.close(); con.close(); } return chk; } } - - - - package; import java.sql.*; import; public class UpdateService { /* * updates customer info in the Db */ public boolean updating(UpdateCusBean updatecusbean, Connection connection)throws SQLException { Statement statement = null; try { String customerid = updatecusbean.getCustomerId(); String customername =updatecusbean.getCustomerName(); String customeradd= updatecusbean.getCustomerAddress(); String contactno=updatecusbean.getContactNumber(); statement=connection.createStatement(); statement.executeUpdate("update customer set cust_name='"+customername+"' ,address='"+customeradd+"',contact_no='"+contactno+"' where cust_id='"+customerid+"'"); return true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { connection.close(); return false; } catch (Exception e) { connection.close(); return false; } finally { connection.close(); statement.close(); } } } - - - - - package com.ilp.tsi.db; import com.ilp.tsi.utils.*; import java.sql.*; public class DB { Connection conn=null; public Connection getConnection() { try { Class.forName(Constant.DRIVER); } catch(Exception E) { E.printStackTrace(); } try{ conn=DriverManager.getConnection(Constant.URL,Constant.username,Constant.pwd); } catch(Exception E) { E.printStackTrace(); } return conn; } } - - - - package com.ilp.tsi.utils; public class Constant { public static final String DRIVER="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"; public static final String URL="jdbc:oracle:thin:@"; }