Latitude and Longitude of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Can you give me some information on the Latitude and Longitude on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines?


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August 1, 2011 at 6:31 PM


Latitude of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is:13.25 and Longitude of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is: -61.2

Independent from United Kingdom since 1979, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an island country located at the southern border of Caribbean waters. This island is made up of the main island of Saint Vincent and northern part of the Grenadines. Settled by Caribs originally, French conquered the Saint Vincent and Grenadines Island in 1719 until it gave up the powers to British. After that there were few conflicts between the countries until British gained full powers in the islands in 1783.

Located in the Lesser Antilles and the geographical coordinates of 13.25 North and 61.2 West, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is spread over an area of 389 square kilometres. The total population of the island is 120,000 and it is the 50th most densely populated country in the world followed by Trinidad and Tobago. The location of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is in the south of Saint Lucia, west of Barbados and north of Grenada. The island is volcanic in nature.

Economy of the island is driven by banana production and tourism industry. As a porting culture, soccer is the most favourite sport of the inhabitants.

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